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Help needed "editing/adding" .dds files!!


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Before i start i would like to say thanx to everyone replying..


im kinda new to the whole modding thing and ive got to say its awesome. just recently i was able to do .esp mods which i think are the easiest kind lol but now im having problems with adding new textures and meshes for the hi-detailed map mod.


I do have fomm and i was able to change the bInvalidateOlderFiles=0 t0 1 with no problems as well as activate the ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated. I have followed the read me steps closely and i have unzipped the download to the data folder in my fallout 3 folder (located in my documents not program files).


now my problem is that i have no idea where or how to add the .dds lines. The read me file says to edit or add the lines to the ArchiveInvalidation.txt in the fallout3 folder. Only thing is there is no such folder anywhere. Only something similar named ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa (which obviously isnt a .txt file) located in the data folder. Please help...


Im running 64bit Vista home premium by the way with fallout 3 official updates...

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uhuhuh... vista... 64bit... uhuhuh hard nut id say...


anyway... you need to extract the mods to your blabla\program files\bethesda game studios\fallout3 (sometimes depending on the mod archives structure even into fallout\data] folder and NOT the one in the mydocuments thingy


in that very folder youll also find a file called archiveinvalidation.txt, if not create one... BUT as i see that you already have a archiveinvalidatedblabla.bsa you dont need to do that step as the program you used to create that file or the mod you downloaded does that automaticly

anyway that file is only needed if you use a mod that replaces any vanilla textures... if you dont have such a mod forget about it

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