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Could someone help

Twin Blade

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How did your Dunmer Battlemage turn out? How far into the main quest did he get?


If you are starting a pure mage who doesn't use weapons very much, he will be harder to play than the battlemage was. The best races would be Altmer or Breton because of their high magicka. The best birthsigns would be The Mage, The Apprentice, The Atronach (or The Lady like your Battlemage).

The ultimate in terms of magicka reservoir would be an Altmer with The Atronach as a birthsign. It will take some smart strategy to go that route.

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I'm currently playing as an Altmer born under the Atronach. The simplest way to recharge my 300-400 magicka is to hit a temple, and pray at the Shrine of St. Rilms a few times. That's one of the auto-calc ones, so 1/2 odds of spell absorb gives you (2^n-1)/(2^n) chance of full recharge, where n is number of times you pray.
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