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Assistance with mods and crashing


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OK. So if I want to use these mods, I should basically create two different characters and have one use half (such as CWO and Falskaar) and one use another half (War zones and Interesting NPCs) and just make sure that I only load certain mods when opening different save files? Or should I keep a select few and just play one character until I'm done, then load other mods and start a new one? I hope that makes sense.

You can do whatever you wish. You just need to understand that using new mods with a proper load order/new game is more stable than doing things like deleting mods during a play through/adding mods, etc. When I start a new game of Skyrim, I make sure all my mods are current...load order is good. I make sure that my mind is made-up and I will not be removing mods whilst a game is in session. That way, I never have to worry about my game breaking on me because I deleted a mod that alters content in some big way. It's all down to what I call "Good modding hygiene". Just remember that adding a lot of content to your game alters it in a significant way. By the same token, removing that content in the middle of a play through de-stabilizes your game as it often leaves scripts and other items active in the game. Let me give you an example:

The Vampire Mod "Belua Sanguinare". I love this mod and use it with glee. It adds to your inventory, when you start a new game, a potion of blood that you drink and transforms you into a Belua Vampire. If you delete that mod while using an active play, the mod leaves behind the potion in your inventory and active scripts going. I did that once, deleted the mod but forgot the potion and drank it a few days later. Broke my game and made it virtually unplayable. The morale: Don't add/subtract until you start a new game.

Edited by Reaper0021
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