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Prototype Blitz-Pack


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So, this is the main idea I wanted to request this mod.... I've got Mart's Mutant Mod, and frankly speaking, after dealing with 3 behemoths consecutively walking through the wastelands... They are freaking annoying at times with their huge HP pool. SPOILER (I'm lucky I didn't have to deal with the gargantuan at evergreenmills)


This mod allows you to don one of the prototype packs that can sort of teleport you a short distance in an instance. Think jumper, or blink in warcraft 3. It chews off AP for each usage (a lot since escaping like that can be very VERY useful...)


It could be binded to the Q button or something that lets you bind a button to another key. But from the sound of this mod I would think that FOSE is needed?



For those who still can't get the idea of this mod:


Imagine you are in the wastelands and all of a sudden you spot a super mutant behemoth, between you and it is a huge stretch of empty open land. The only shelter left is a narrow pathway between 2 cliffs behind you. With your sprint mod you dash across to the canyon, only to find that you don't have enough speed and your skull gets bashed in by the SM Behemoth.


Now if only you could just inject a jet or ultrajet, hit the Q button and jump/teleport in the narrow pathway a lot sooner.....

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