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Simple "Stabling Horse" mod


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I'm looking for just a simple mod that stables horse and able to store multiple rides, not massive mod like Convenient Horses (and no I won't use that one, it's conflicting with Standing Stone overhaul mod).


I want a mod that makes horse stay at where it is when I tell it to (or any other way) and can support modded ride-able creatures (CC at least), it's irritating horse teleporting with me when I fast travel.


List that is ok with me:

1. Dismounting in front of any stable area causes ride-able creatures stays there.

2. Crouching and interact horse brings up menu to tell it to stay there.

3. Added npc "caretaker" to many place (stable probably good place) with dialog to take care of horse and store there.


List that's NOT ok:

1. Added equipment

2. Added horse

3. Alters follower or any existing npc

4. Alters anything else like standing stone or anything (this what annoys me the most)


I'm surprised nobody made an update or a new mod for the AE version.

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