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The Next Tes is the End of the Human Main Culture, how many TES Games


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Well, interesting revelation for MK... The Thalmor win. Eventually. This, of course, implies that even if we DO deal with the Dominion, the Thalmor will persists as an influence on Tamriel until the end of time.


Anyway, in Q1 of 2014, c0da will be released, which promises to explain Landfall. This event WILL forever change the face of Tamriel, possibly all of Nirn, and will make the Red Year look like a fire cracker. If it happens shortly after Skyrim, it will almost certainly stop any Second Great War dead in its tracks.


Based on the world they've set up in Skyrim, however, and assuming that we have at LEAST one more game with the Dominion as a counterpoint to the Empire, my money would be on either Elsweyr or Blackmarsh. The Empire will need more forces to take on the Dominion, and their options are either seek allies, or draw the Dominion's vassal states out from under the Thalmor control. The Redguards aren't likely to join the Empire willingly, and the Dunmer are too weak, so the only option in terms of allies (on Tamriel) are the Argonians.


That said, no one could have seen Skyrim's story coming, so we may get something way out in left field, like the 4th apotheosis of Talos.

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While we are at the story part, isn't there a whole deal with the towers?

As far as I remember, they are falling one by one, and they got some significant reason to be. Though this is just me trying to remember lore from back at Skyrim release. Something about stability of Mundus? Agh, I don't know.

If I am correct, I'll take we will get something to do with the reamining towers.


I'll take it you, lachdonin, got more info regarding this matter than me.



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Well, most of the towers are irrelevant. Their just giant Magicka-magnets. The two important ones are the Adamantium Tower, and the Red Tower. Red Tower was 'deactivated' by the Nerevarine in Morrowind. Adamantium is... something of a more complicated issue... Though it appears the Dominion already controls the island it is situated on.


Anyway, MK's comment on the matter was somewhat vague. He only said that the Thalmor are the biggest threat to the Aubris (universe), that they hate anything remotely mortal, and that they will win in the end. That could just imply that, at some point in the distant future Mundus dissolves back into the Aubris and mortals cease to be.

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Everywhere :p

Most are deactivated or destroyed.




They each contain a certain stone of power. Example: the amulet of kings gem is the stone of power within The WHite-Gold tower. When Martin destroyed the amulet to summon Akatosh and take out Mehrune, it is believed the tower got deactivated.

Others are The Brass Tower, I.E. Numindium. You know, the Dwemer giant "to be God". And it's stone being Heart of Lokhan.


There is a tower in SKyrim as well. The Snow Throat, or as we call it: Throath of the World. THe stone is uncertain, but it is believed to be the Eye of Magus.


Generally, if all towers stops to work, the world ends. Time and physics goes through the window. Basically something the Thalmor wants, no?

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Something just occurred to me, in the remaining lands (TES Games) are their still a Thieves Guild and a Dark Brotherhood, because if the Dark Brotherhood is meant to be Extinct in Skyrim, then how will they be in the Next TES Game if you rather Joined them in Skyrim.

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There is a tower in SKyrim as well. The Snow Throat, or as we call it: Throath of the World. THe stone is uncertain, but it is believed to be the Eye of Magus.


Well... probably not the Eye. MK threw his support in on the idea that the Eye was, in fact, KINMUNE. Which adds all kinds of crazy.


Anyway... the basic summary of the Towers is... Adamandia was the first tower, and is the ship on which the Aedra descended to begin the creation of Mundus. It's stone is the Impossipoint, the moment in which Lorkhan was slain, his heart cut from his chest, and the static point in time in which all Kalpas reset to. The second tower is Red Mountain, where Lorkhan's heart came to rest, imbuing Mundus with it's own divinity. These are the divine towers, those created by the gods.


The remaining towers were all created by Mer, and are; White Gold, Snow-Throat (presumed to be the Throat of the World), Tree-Sap (presumed to be the city-tree Falensi), Orichalum (destroyed along with Yokuda), Crystal (destroyed by Daedra during Oblivion) and Brass (the Numidium, presumably destroyed). Each is powered by a stone, of which all are either unaccounted for or destroyed. These secondary towers draw in Creatia, a form of pure magicka, and are used to maintain the world around them, emulating the stasis of the Aedra. However, they are basically just giant magical funnels, so they can be tapped for... other purposes. Like summoning Daedra.


Anywho, the Nerevarine destroyed or otherwise removed the 'stone' of Red Mountain, which was the Heart of Lorkhan. However, through his apotheosis, Talos became the 'god' of Mundus, ensuring the world maintained its divinity. The Thalmor agenda is two fold. Destroy Talos, unseat the impossipoint, destroy Mundus.




As for the Dark Brotherhood... With almost certainty, both options will take place. Even if you choose to join the Brotherhood, it does, technically, get destroyed. The story works out to a comfortable final conclusion regardless of which path you take. In that way, it's probably the best quest in the entire game.

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People would disagree that the Dark Brotherhood is the Best Quest, since most like to Destroy them, but i like to Join them since Skyrim is already so Empty.


Now the Thieves Guild on the other hand has no Option, hence a Mod called Destroy the Thieves Guild.


I suppose its the first time where we get to Choose the outcome in a TES Game like Skyrim, but what do you think is the Real Outcome to tell the Tale of the Champion in the Next TES Game and how will it effect the Next Game.

Vanilla: Murdering Paarthurnax

Thieves Guild: Join them or have a Mod to Destroy them and Kill Maven, or maybe Bethesda just forgot to make that Quest happen.

The Dark Brotherhood: Are they Really Extinct or did they really made a Comeback in TES6

The Civil War: Not looking at the Racism of Ulfric, many People would Choose the Imperial Side for Lore sake.

So the Question is, when TES6 comes and you see the Option Bethesda Chose, would you Replay Skyrim and do the Lore thing because in TES6 its Diffrent to the Outcome you chose in Skyrim.




Just curious and possibly a dumb question, have we heard about a certain Guild from a Previous TES Game where we see it in the Next TES Game. College of Winterhold comes to mind if you are wandering around Cyrodiil.


What are the Mages and Fighters Guild called if there will be, since Valenwood and Elsweyr are in a Jungle where Black Marsh is in a Swamp, but the Summerset Isle could have a very large Mages Guild, plus we might meet the Isle of the Psijics.

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The Fighers Guild is a non-political organization which pre-dates the 3rd Cyrodiilic Empire. There are almost certainly Fighters Guilds in both Valenwood and Summerset, though they are probably puppets of the Thalmor at this point.


As for the Mages Guild... it imploded. Following the Oblivion Crisis, with no leader and half it's central territories destroyed or sorely under-staffed, the council of the Mages Guild had a falling out. They split into two organizations, the College of Whispers and the Synod. We don't know much about either yet, but they seem to compete with each other. Likely, they have chapters in other provinces, but it's more likely that the guilds of the provinces turned inward and became their own organizations.



Now... choice.. Frankly, I like how they did the Dark brotherhood. In principal, not the story. I tend to agree with MK, the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion and Skyrim was boring, boring, boring. Ooh look, we're evil assassins, OoOoOoOoh. But that's not the point... The point is, both branches of the story come to the same point. The Dawnstar sanctuary is raided, it's occupants killed. Even in the 'Destroy the Dark Brotherhood' quest, there are survivors. Babette (for obvious reasons) Cicero and the Night Mother. The Brotherhood is still set up for a comeback. It is easy enough to have them 'destroyed' and then kill the Emperor regardless of what the player chose.


This is the type of choice which Bethesda needs to build on. The end result is the same, but how you get there is different. This would give people the choice they demand, without the messy conflict of endings you see with, say, the Civil War.


As it is, there are a few ways the Civil War can end. Dragon Break (MK has already said this isn't going to happen, but people want to believe anyway), Bethesda picks a side (invalidating 50% of peoples choices and pissing people off) or there is no resolution and the conflict is ongoing, with both Ulfric and Tullius being killed. The last is the most likely, and is in fact set up by both Stormcloak and Imperial endings, but really, it just means your contribution is irrelevant, because it doesn't get resolved anyway.

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