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The Next Tes is the End of the Human Main Culture, how many TES Games


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First, i am fully aware of the technical side of things. Though admittedly, i am rather tired and slightly addled.


Second, you're rather mistaken if you think Minecraft is the product of a single person. Originally, it was, but it became a multi-person program long before the implementation of the so called 'infinite world-space'. And yes, it is surprisingly simple, but it still causes rendering problems and system lag.


You are also totally ignoring the core of my argument. Technically, it is possible for the industry to produce that large an area using procedural generation. However, the overwhelming majority of consumer owned consoles (including PC's in this distinction) couldn't handle it. Just because YOURS could doesn't mean everyone else can. Many people have trouble running Skyrim for craps sake. You are also totally ignoring the main problem with PC gaming, being the huge variety of different hardware configuration, which is the leading cause of crashes and glitches in Skyrim.


And the rendering isn't the sole technical limitations. Creating literally thousands of NPC's, particularly to the quality that players demand is flat out impossible. Even if it were, combined with the massive world, the hundreds (if not thousands) of locations, the creatures and whatever earth-shattering events you need to drive the story and you have a massive, bloated game which would cause any of the consoles and most PC's to choke and die.


Neither Planetside, nor Cryengine have ever been shown to render an area the size of Daggerfall in any semblance of detail. Until it is proven to be done, i will remain skeptical of all claims (mostly because the claims of all these engines have a history of falling short).


Yes, you are right, it is partly an unwillingness for companies to invest the time in populating and arranging these massive environments, but part of that unwillingness comes from, again, a total lack of feasibility. It would take decades for your average games developer to complete something like that, not counting constant changeovers as technology progresses. The only remotely feasible way to accomplish it would be through random generation, but as i said that is difficult in worlds which are already established.

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Actually, the technology is edging closer to making such extremes reality. AMD's Mantle for GCN graphics cards, for example. Being able to make 9x as many draw calls as DirectX can in order to get a similar performance impact. Factor in that Mantle can also utilize a multithreaded renderer; we got ourselves some serious horsepower for dynamic generation.


Of course, the AI and all that will be intensive. But OpenCL is making strides and bounds, so who knows what could happen in that regard.


On the subject on large numbers of NPCs with depth, game developers could always pool the users in order to help with that.

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To all the people saying that the next Elder Scrolls games will be HUGE:


I don't think it matters that the technology would allow them to make a world the size of Daggerfall. They probably wouldn't do it because their current formula for how they make games is so successful. Why would they change it? Notice that Skyrim and Oblivion are about the same size? The games are very similar also. Same formula why Morrowind was so successful - a smaller, more detailed world.


People just don't make games like Daggerfall anymore.

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The reasoning the games are "small" is not because it is better, but because having an average of 90 man on a project for 4-5 years and spending almost a $100 million is a lot.


Oh, and Daggerfall was overly huge. Going from 1 town to another took a few houres. Nobody enjoys that.

That said, I would not mind some randomly generated dungeons within the game itself. It's one thing to have infinite quests, but they all send me through the same dungeons I have been to the last thousand times!


I would welcome a mix. Keep the game as it is, but add a few randomly generated dungeons, a few random generated camps and a few random generated NPCs. It's not like you walk through the streets of London and yell "YOU ARE ALL MEMORABLE CHARACTERS!". Currently 90% of the NPC got a purpose -- it does not need to be like that. A few NPCs just being random would be nice.


Alas, I will not complain. I love every TES. Well, not Morrowind. But that is because I've only got 3 houres into it :/

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I only got 5 Minutes into Morrowind and threw away the Game, i couldent stand all the Text Messages, i need Voices in my head :tongue:

I'd rather have text dialogue than every NPC sounding the same and having very little emotion since the voice actors get bored after saying the same things over and over again. In a text based dialogue system, you can imagine the voices, imagine the emotions, and it makes modding quests MUCH easier.

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idk if its been said already or not as I haven't the time to read every post atm but I believe high rock is next inline. for many reasons.

valenwood will likely still be recovering from the war, black marsh seems hard to do lore wise, as for summerset Isle it could be next to explain where the story will lead us with the war and so on however I dont think it will be next. as for elsweyr and again black marsh I think they are just to out of the way for now. if they do high rock they not only finish the top of the map but they will knock off two more race home lands in one shot. also orcs and bretons are the next most played races besides nords and Imperials, I also believe that most people are playing nords and imperials just to match the skyrim theme.

even though ive only ever played bretons I would like valenwood to be next as it sounds like a very fun place, very fairy taleish with the looks of the lost woods from Zelda. however if I was running things I would do high rock next. to give the fans what they want, to be done with the top of the map and too knock off two more race games from the to do list.

but that's no time soon, for now all I am hoping is that now with elder scrolls online it will allow people to see with there own eyes atlest a basic idea of what the other lands look like which means people might start to mod these lands for skyrim or for the next elder scrolls ;)

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it would of been nice if they stop making new elder scrolls and just make big dlc for each land mass, I would pay the price of a full game for a dlc like such. at this rate of a new elder scrolls every 5 years or so I fell I wont live long enough to see all the places.

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