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The Next Tes is the End of the Human Main Culture, how many TES Games


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What I think would be the best course of action would be to let a third-party developer like Obsidian, or BioWare do the next TES.


Bethesda is great at creating large, 3D worlds, but the content of those worlds has a lot to be desired, IMO. That's why Fallout: New Vegas was a much better RPG experience compared to Bethesda's past games including Fallout 3, Oblivion, etc.


The are a number of problem areas Bethesda needs to address for future games that while not significant enough to effect the current and past games may have lasting, negative effects as the franchise moves forward, or prevent it from moving forward altogether. It's a delicate balancing act, but there is nothing that says you can't have a more user-friendly leveling system along with stories that have real consequences in the virtual world you inhabit. These things are not mutually exclusive even if certain developers believe they should be. As somebody else wrote, have a look at the Mass Effect (BioWare) series. They aren't perfect, but they come pretty damn close to being more traditional RPGs in a lot of respects than current RPGs, regardless of setting. This should not come as surprise since this is the same studio that produced Baldur's Gate, Never Winter Nights, and SW:KOTOR.


In my opinion, Bethesda is content with being an action-RPG producer, but I don't believe they will strip all RPG elements away in the future. That wouldn't make any sense, financially or otherwise. I think the current system in Skyrim is very straight forward with the added ability to make it as complex as you want with mods. All you have to do is look at the many Skill tree and Perk Overhaul mods that populate the nexus. So, even if they were to go the "Fable III" route, I have no doubt modders would quickly address that on the PC side, at least. And to be pragmatic, if Bethesda were to ever make the TES not fun to play anymore, there will surely be another franchise to come along and take its place. Change is hard, but in the end these are just video games, so it's not worth getting upset over. I've seen many hardcore franchises turn into games for casual gamers... Real casual gamers who aren't into games vs. gamers who have healthy lives outside gaming... But in the end, I just stopped playing those games and moved on.

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I just wish Bethesda would stop emptying Towns and Cities where Quest related People die and we walk around a Ghost Town.


Helgen could've been Rebuild, hence a Mod did it called Helgen Reborn


Winterhold is a Joke, yes we get it, the Mages did it boo hoo, just Freakin Rebuild the City and stop Whining in a Corner. Not even the Jarl on the Imperial Side who Trust the Mages Rebuild Winterhold and theres No Quest to Investigate the Truth.


There are so many Empty Spaces around Skyrim, i really Hope TES6 is Populated, what Game or RPG is Populated and i hope ESO does the job well since your exploring the Entire Tamriel


Why Bethesda is Wasting their time with Consoles and not Properly Patch them or give them Better Questing Results i will never know, i mean the Mods being released by Modders is Astounding and puts the Consoles to Shame.


Come to think of it, the Biggest Waste of Money for an RPG Game is the Consoles, sure on PC you can make a Game and just release it, because they give us the Creation Kit and know we will Fix their work or Expand on it, Console Players can just Buy the Game and Complain about it with Bugs.

Edited by daventry
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I agree with MidevalGuy. Bethesda's recent games (Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim) have just been awful as far as consistency, story, plot and all that interesting guff.


Sure, as a hack and slasher, their games are rather good. But to get any worthwhile enjoyment out of their games, you need to REALLY roleplay in it, which does get tiresome after a while; only so much you can imagine with the pixels you're given.


Fallout New Vegas, on the other hand, was brilliant. Sure, there were quite a few towns and NPCs that were more-or-less forgotten, but god dang it, at least they had some use at some point. Goodsprings was utterly useless after the early part of the game, but it at least it actually was made use of. For example, anyhow.


I'd totally buy an Elder Scrolls made by Obsidian, maybe even on day one. An Elder Scrolls made by Bethesda...Only when it's on sale. With all the DLC. For £10.

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Oh god, people can be so.. petty.

TES games are superb. You gain from 50-1000 houres with it. And you come and tell me you will not buy it before it is on sale? ...

Give it a rest. Are you that spoiled?

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I just wish Bethesda would stop emptying Towns and Cities where Quest related People die and we walk around a Ghost Town.


Why Bethesda is Wasting their time with Consoles and not Properly Patch them or give them Better Questing Results i will never know, i mean the Mods being released by Modders is Astounding and puts the Consoles to Shame.


Come to think of it, the Biggest Waste of Money for an RPG Game is the Consoles, sure on PC you can make a Game and just release it, because they give us the Creation Kit and know we will Fix their work or Expand on it, Console Players can just Buy the Game and Complain about it with Bugs.


Consoles are the future and are one of the main reasons TES games have such a huge following. That's the way it is, so get used to it.


This kind of elitist attitude is immature and short-sighted because consoles are how the industry sustains itself regardless if you want only those with PCs to enjoy video games. I play games on all platforms, so it doesn't bother me how a game is presented, nor if the game is an "exclusive" release, either.


Oh god, people can be so.. petty.

TES games are superb. You gain from 50-1000 houres with it. And you come and tell me you will not buy it before it is on sale? ...

Give it a rest. Are you that spoiled?


You can like something, but still offer constructive criticism.


That's what most of us are doing as well as discussing possible settings for the next TES game.


The setting is linked directly to game design and this is where constructive criticism comes into play. RPGs are story-driven games all the way down from the MQ to the smaller side-quests and faction quests and the biggest thing Bethesda don't seem to do well is having player actions result in any tangible changes to the world around them. I speculated on the Spoilers board this is because Bethesda wants to make sure players can do and experience everything in ONE play through ("Super Speced Character") even if it makes no logical sense in-game e.g. Nords like the head of the Companions would shun magic users, let alone the Archmage of Winternold. This leads us back to other games that do this better by cutting off certain factions and quest line content (that developers invested time and money into), but casual gamers might complain about not being able to play through to justify their $60 purchase. This is where the realities of gaming being a multi-billion dollar business and the different types of gamers and developers figures into the larger discussion as well.

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It's not about liking or not liking. My point is simple:

You don't go around and fling an AAA title as Syrim as bad because of "X" reason or "Only because of hype" or "WIll not buy before it is on sale". It is simply ignorant to talk about it like that. Most people like Skyrim. Yes, it could be better. But starting to say you will not buy it before it is on sale? That is an insult to the 90ish people working for it on 4-5 years.


People expect WAY too much for what they pay. They even release a possibility to mod the game, JUST for us.

People make their own problems, and it does not justify the work put down into the game.


That said, I will not bother to argue. The fact stand: You get more than you paid for with this game, and yes it could be better. But saying you will not buy it before it is on sale is nothing but ignorant.



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I wish Bethesda would allow Obsidian to make an Elder Scrolls game. The RPG elements offered in New Vegas was astounding compared to Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout 3. Things you did actually affected one another, and choices were everywhere. Not to mention that they included features that SHOULD be in a post apocalyptic survival game like hardcore mode. New Vegas really captured the essence as best they could of the Fallout genre before Bethesda made it into "Oblivion with Guns", and I'm sure a lot of Fallout 1 and 2 fans would agree to an extent.

Sadly, Elder Scrolls is Bethesda's baby and I don't think they would ever trust Obsidian to make a game of it unless it was a spin off like New Vegas.

And Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Bethesda's games. They are very fun for what they are. There is nothing stopping me from buying Elder Scrolls 6 and perhaps Fallout 4 at full price.

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It's not about liking or not liking. My point is simple:

You don't go around and fling an AAA title as Syrim as bad because of "X" reason or "Only because of hype" or "WIll not buy before it is on sale". It is simply ignorant to talk about it like that. Most people like Skyrim. Yes, it could be better. But starting to say you will not buy it before it is on sale? That is an insult to the 90ish people working for it on 4-5 years.


People expect WAY too much for what they pay. They even release a possibility to mod the game, JUST for us.

People make their own problems, and it does not justify the work put down into the game.


That said, I will not bother to argue. The fact stand: You get more than you paid for with this game, and yes it could be better. But saying you will not buy it before it is on sale is nothing but ignorant.



Don't be naive, Bethesda didn't release anything "just for us," they release it to make a bottom line. The Creation Kit takes all the pressure on them to maintain longevity for the game and shifts it to the consumer. Few people would admit Skyrim was amazing if they had the console version. I still play Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas on the reg, even on my PS3, so what does that say about Skyrim? The only reason it comes close to being AAA is because of the hard work done by the community, which Skyrim can take the credit for. Sure it's (kind of) a blast to play Skyrim: thanks to the community at Nexusmods. Still, it's not that great, which is why I stopped playing it months ago.


Even knowing that mods make their games, Bethesda still turned around and screwed the modding community by making every new DLC screw up everything in existence.


I don't understand your mentality. Do you buy every game that comes out because it's popular? Do you have any opinions of your own? Duke Nukem Forever was in development for 15 years while being worked on by who knows how many employees at however many production companies. That doesn't make it amazing. Why not just buy every game that comes out then?


You may be absolutely satisfied with the game, along with 10,000,000 other people for all I care, it doesn't change my opinion, and that's that unless the series has more to it, I'm buying the next one on sale, too. "AAA" title or not. Looking around at the thread, I'm not the only person feeling that way, and most of the gripes I read have a foundation in fact.

Edited by budcat
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Sadly, Elder Scrolls is Bethesda's baby and I don't think they would ever trust Obsidian to make a game of it unless it was a spin off like New Vegas.


And Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Bethesda's games. They are very fun for what they are. There is nothing stopping me from buying Elder Scrolls 6 and perhaps Fallout 4 at full price.

See if it aint broken - dont fix it. I agree that RPG wise Bethesda games are not that good, in fact Id say plain broken in places. But as a whole they sell well and community loves them (for good reason too) -they are sandboxes with good mod support (better than in most other games) that is their niche. If you look for hardcore rpg there is bioware games ,wasteland2 and project eternity (by obsidian btw) . none of the real CRPG been good sandboxes (Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment ,Fallout )




Consoles are the future and are one of the main reasons TES games have such a huge following. That's the way it is, so get used to it.



Consoles are actually in pretty steep decline. So are the PCs though, the future will be probably some open platforms which can run on PC and open consoles (like the one being made by Valve). Consoles games right now are too expensive to produce. PC is in much better shape there . PS4 probably gonna be the end of it for sony , xbox will do better but at the end much worse than today or a few years ago

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You may be absolutely satisfied with the game, along with 10,000,000 other people for all I care, it doesn't change my opinion, and that's that unless the series has more to it, I'm buying the next one on sale, too. "AAA" title or not. Looking around at the thread, I'm not the only person feeling that way, and most of the gripes I read have a foundation in fact.



That's my point. This is opinion of the minor population. We ALL know it is not perfect, and that is okay. However, saying you do not get enough bang for the buck is not right -- and that is not an opinion. We all want to improve the game, of course. But why do it by insulting what is made? ...

Skyrim is a good game from the get-go. You can not deny it. It is worth the money from that moment.

You want to improve it? Sure!

You do not like the direction the serie is going? Too bad!

It does not change it. The game is better than the average game. They allow us to mod it. If you were here from the release, you'd know the kit was NOT released early. Heck, the first month people were afraid they wouldn't release it.


So yeah, you do not give Bethesda the praise they deserve, no matter opinion. You might prefer hardcore RPG -- okay. But that does not change the fact. People poures their life into the game, and it turned out great. Praise it for what it is, not for what it could be.

We got the tools to change it to what we want, a power given to use.

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