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The Next Tes is the End of the Human Main Culture, how many TES Games


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Consoles are the future and are one of the main reasons TES games have such a huge following. That's the way it is, so get used to it.



Consoles are actually in pretty steep decline. So are the PCs though, the future will be probably some open platforms which can run on PC and open consoles (like the one being made by Valve). Consoles games right now are too expensive to produce. PC is in much better shape there . PS4 probably gonna be the end of it for sony , xbox will do better but at the end much worse than today or a few years ago



True, I have a feeling the Xbox One and PS4 will probably be the last entry by either company for reasons I am sure you are aware of e.g. cost, DRM, etc... The main one being MS, nor Sony hasn't achieved what they set out to do in 2000, and that is make an all-in-one media center (games, movies, TV); that's more the fault of the U.S. not having a very good high speed internet infrastructure in place like other countries, ironically. Will that day ever come? I hope not because games, movies and music are mutually exclusive things even if they are all digitally distributed from now on.



That's my point. This is opinion of the minor population. We ALL know it is not perfect, and that is okay. However, saying you do not get enough bang for the buck is not right -- and that is not an opinion. We all want to improve the game, of course. But why do it by insulting what is made? ...

Skyrim is a good game from the get-go. You can not deny it. It is worth the money from that moment.

You want to improve it? Sure!

You do not like the direction the serie is going? Too bad!

It does not change it. The game is better than the average game. They allow us to mod it. If you were here from the release, you'd know the kit was NOT released early. Heck, the first month people were afraid they wouldn't release it.


So yeah, you do not give Bethesda the praise they deserve, no matter opinion. You might prefer hardcore RPG -- okay. But that does not change the fact. People poures their life into the game, and it turned out great. Praise it for what it is, not for what it could be.

We got the tools to change it to what we want, a power given to use.



Nobody is denying a lot of work went into the game. However, we have a right as paying consumers to have the opinion the finished product isn't that great without mods. That's not disrespecting the developers, that's just being an intelligent and engaged consumer who wants the next product in the lineup to be better, hopefully. To be brutally honest, the devs could care less what we think because they get paid either way. The irony is people love to rip on Bethesda, but at the same time Bethesda surprises the community from time to bime by integrating a lot of the best mod ideas into their next release. Hell, they even hired some of the community for the hardcore mode in Fallout: New Vegas.


What we are discussing, however, isn't that the whole product is broken, but that certain aspects need to be fine tuned to make TES games more like traditional role playing games while at the same time allowing them to evolve with both technology and whatever ideas Bethesda may have in the future. This is not an oxymoron, and it all comes back to game design and having a particular vision... because we know they have more than enough resources... To do what some of us are asking that would make them even better games for both casual gamers and hardcore RPG players alike. That's where the real benefit of Bethesda pushing themselves and receiving constructive criticism like we are discussing becomes invaluable (even if they don't read these particular forums, necessarily).

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You may be absolutely satisfied with the game, along with 10,000,000 other people for all I care, it doesn't change my opinion, and that's that unless the series has more to it, I'm buying the next one on sale, too. "AAA" title or not. Looking around at the thread, I'm not the only person feeling that way, and most of the gripes I read have a foundation in fact.

That's my point. This is opinion of the minor population. We ALL know it is not perfect, and that is okay. However, saying you do not get enough bang for the buck is not right -- and that is not an opinion. We all want to improve the game, of course. But why do it by insulting what is made? ...

Skyrim is a good game from the get-go. You can not deny it. It is worth the money from that moment.

You want to improve it? Sure!

You do not like the direction the serie is going? Too bad!

It does not change it. The game is better than the average game. They allow us to mod it. If you were here from the release, you'd know the kit was NOT released early. Heck, the first month people were afraid they wouldn't release it.


So yeah, you do not give Bethesda the praise they deserve, no matter opinion. You might prefer hardcore RPG -- okay. But that does not change the fact. People poures their life into the game, and it turned out great. Praise it for what it is, not for what it could be.

We got the tools to change it to what we want, a power given to use.

If I don't like the direction the series is going "too bad?"


Rewind back to Final Fantasy 7. FF4 and FF6 are among my favorite games of all time and made my childhood. When FF7 was released it revolutionized the RPG world, expanded its popularity, is remembered as the best RPG and best FF of all time by a very large number of people. People who had never bought an FF, or even an RPG or fantasy game in their life bought FF7. All of my friends bought it and became obsessed with it in the way I was for FF4 and FF6. I bought FF7, I played the heck out of it. Everyone else, all my friends, all the gaming press, everyone adored that game; I almost loved it, but I personally didn't like the direction that series was going.


I never bought FF8 or any FF game since. They changed from what I enjoyed about them. Déjà vu for Skyrim.


I don't necessarily agree with you Skyrim is a good game from the get-go. I sold my console copy because it was useless without mods. I enjoy PC games, I was a PC gamer before I was a console gamer, I agree PC gaming is superior in virtually every aspect to console gaming, but that said I'm a young(ish?), poor, married man, all I have is a rundown laptop and a PS3 these days. In all likelihood, I'll be getting a PS4 over a gaming rig in the foreseeable future. If TES6 is no good on console, as is, without mods, I'm not buying it, simple as that.


I don't even understand the whole "praise Bethesda" dynamic. They are people doing their jobs. I want a doctor to perform a good service; I want a video game developer to make a fun game. I payed them $140 for the game, I think I'm entitled to gripe about it. It doesn't do anybody any good to be disingenuous.


At the end of the day, Bethesda cares about as many sales as possible, I care about me. If that means they make a game everyone else loves and I hate, well good for Bethesda and everyone else I guess. Sure it is just my opinion but I still won't buy a game I don't like.


But either way, I don't see how anyone needs to rationalize why this thread exists or why people feel entitled to post opinions on it.

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Okay guys lets change the subject before we start a flame war okay :)? We're all entitled to our opinions no need to get all passionate.


I think the next TES location is going to be Elsweyr. With the whole "moons disappearing for 2 years" and those Khajiit caravans telling us about how Elsweyr looks (perhaps a hint by Bethesda?) it seem to me that Elsweyr would make a perfect location for the next TES game. Hell it will probably wrap up the Thalmor plotline or at the very least advance it to such a degree that things will start get really interesting. I also think it would be a good time for Betheseda to create another "alien" like landscape and also to introduce new character models. I mean think about all those different types of khajiit!? AWESOME :pirate:

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My worst "fear" is the next TES game is going to be similar to ESO where they add a MMO component seamlessly integrated with SP. Meaning, the bulk of the content will be online (CO-OP) compared to past titles. This seems to be the trend for up-coming console games and we know this is what is driving development at this point in time. If this wasn't Bethesda, I wouldn't have even considered it, but I think they saw the money than can be made in MMOs and that's why we have ESO, so what is the next logical step?

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Okay guys lets change the subject before we start a flame war okay :smile:? We're all entitled to our opinions no need to get all passionate.


I think the next TES location is going to be Elsweyr. With the whole "moons disappearing for 2 years" and those Khajiit caravans telling us about how Elsweyr looks (perhaps a hint by Bethesda?) it seem to me that Elsweyr would make a perfect location for the next TES game. Hell it will probably wrap up the Thalmor plotline or at the very least advance it to such a degree that things will start get really interesting. I also think it would be a good time for Betheseda to create another "alien" like landscape and also to introduce new character models. I mean think about all those different types of khajiit!? AWESOME :pirate:


Actually, based on what we know about the Void Nights, the lack of ability (or more likely, lack of willingness on Bethesda's part) to have more than one type of Khajiit could be the very reason we are in Elsweyr. We know there hasn't been a mane since the early 4th Era, maybe the other breeds have been disappearing too, and the Khajiit are no longer bound to the Lunar Lattice. That would certainly be enough of a game-changer, at least of the Khajiit, to warrant the involvement of a Champion of the Elder Scrolls.


My worst "fear" is the next TES game is going to be similar to ESO where they add a MMO component seamlessly integrated with SP. Meaning, the bulk of the content will be online (CO-OP) compared to past titles. This seems to be the trend for up-coming console games and we know this is what is driving development at this point in time. If this wasn't Bethesda, I wouldn't have even considered it, but I think they saw the money than can be made in MMOs and that's why we have ESO, so what is the next logical step?

Bethesda Game Studios has said TES:O will have no impact on future Elder Scrolls titles, and they have no intention of changing the game to support co-op or multiplayer for the foreseeable future.
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The way I see the next Elder Scrolls games is like this. There is a pattern going on:


Daggerfall - Real World Fantasy World


Morrowind - Alien Fantasy World


Oblivion - Real World Fantasy World


Shivering Isles - Alien Fantasy World


Skyrim - Real World Fantasy World


Elder Scrolls 6 - Alien Fantasy World???


That being said, our choices seem to be Elsweyr, Black Marsh, Vallenwood, or Summerset Isles (Maybe, not much is known about Summerset) as they are all Alien.


Hammerfell won't be because it seems like it would fit more into the "Real World Fantasy Word" category. Although I could see the next game taking place in Hammerfell because it is a common theme in many Elder Scrolls games. The Devs seem to really like the theme. I really hope they make Hammerfell and make it well according to Lore. Redguards have A LOT of traditions and holidays. Many of the cities are suppose to have an Arena Team.


I think it will take place in Black Marsh because there is a lot going on there at that point and time. The Argonians just recently took over Morrowind. Maybe mainland Morrowind could be a Major DLC? It would be stupid since Vvardenfell would be plainly visible and inaccessible... or maybe it could be a post apocalyptic Fallout-like environment because of the Red Mountain eruption? :laugh:


I'm sure I'm way off though and will be proven wrong when the time comes.

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Okay guys lets change the subject before we start a flame war okay :smile:? We're all entitled to our opinions no need to get all passionate.

What's the big crime in being passionate? Even worse, people are dull these days if a couple of posts chewing the fat about Skyrim counts as excessive passion.


I think if Bethesda is looking to appeal to the most people, they'll use ESO to see which region or race resonates with the most players and set the game there. If Bethesda are asking themselves the same question (where to set the next game), ESO is the best market research software for TES fans any company could ever hope to develop. I'd be willing to bet they have a close eye on which race ends up being chosen by the most people.


I'm almost more intrigued by which time period they choose to set the next one in. As someone mentioned earlier, the time between Morrowind and Oblivion, including expansions, was just four years. Skyrim came 200 years after Oblivion. Will the next game be immediately following the events, skip forward, or go back far in time?

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I'm almost more intrigued by which time period they choose to set the next one in. As someone mentioned earlier, the time between Morrowind and Oblivion, including expansions, was just four years. Skyrim came 200 years after Oblivion. Will the next game be immediately following the events, skip forward, or go back far in time?



They went to a lot of trouble to set the stage in Skyrim, establishing the economic, social and political status of most of the Provinces around the Empire-Dominion duality. I think this is significant.


Consider that, at the end of Oblivion, we were left with a rather vague world. No new information from the provinces, no Emperor, no future. Most importantly, however, we're left with no direction.


Skyrim ends differently. We know a confrontation with the Dominion is coming. We know what the Thalmor's goals are. We know the Empire needs allies desperately. A lot of effort has gone into setting that stage and impending conflict, and I don't think they'll throw it away too readily.


I expect the next TES game will take place shortly after Skyrim, with the civil war still ongoing (both Tullius and Ulfric dead, neither side really winning). We still have at least one game against the Dominion left in us.

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If the next Game will be after Skyrim, how many Years in the Future, or will we be a Dragonborn Prisoner in Disguise, or a New Prisoner with Cameos of Characters from Skyrim, except for the Dragonborn where it will be some excuse being him/her sitting at High Hrothgar Meditating, well not really, since in Vanilla, you Murdered Paarthurnax and got kicked out, so that Character is probably now with Hermeas Mora

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The Dragonborn will be trapped in Apocryphia. Or, at least, he will have last been seen entering. That's what happens to TES characters, they disappear. Except for the Eternal Champion... who probably died a few minutes before Oblivion's opening sequence.


As for how long, i'd say 5 years, tops. And will you be Dragonborn? Highly unlikely. It's only relevant to Nord culture, it has no place elsewhere.

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