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The Next Tes is the End of the Human Main Culture, how many TES Games


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I was reading the Mods subsection of the forums and what people are asking for in various mod requests mirrors what is being discussed in this thread regarding more player choice & consequences as well as more personalization as far as skills & factions.


One of the better ideas somebody came up with was once you master a skill (100), you receive a special quest to affirm that skill e.g. If you raise one-handed to 100, then (and only then) you receive a special quest by a master trainer that rewards you with a powerful one-handed weapon. Not only would this be the only way to obtain said weapon, but it would serve as a kind of badge of honor only your 100 one-hand skilled warrior would have. This would apply to mastering all skills just like how Mages get a special quest once they master their chosen school.


Taking this one step further, having mastered a skill should also effect how other guilds & factions view your character. A melee-based guild is going to be actively recruiting a character with 100 in one-handed weapons whereas a thieves guild is going to be actively recruiting characters with high sneaking and theft statistics. It just makes common sense, is lore-friendly (realistic) and immerses the player into the world than making things open to every one just for the sake of open world game play.


The down side... depending on your POV... Is this kind of system would potentially cut off certain quests while at the same time making new ones available according to skill and rank within a faction/guild... Like old RPGs used to do.


This is the kind of rewards, freedom and possibly impact on the game world we have been discussing put into practical and feasible game play design for the next TES game.

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Bethesda lost their creative minds with Oblivion.


We all hope for a Masterpiece by beth, But they are wearing money shoes :sad:


Fixed that for you. Oblivion was a creative disaster, though ironically it forced creativity just to explain why they made it such as generic forest-and-castle mess. Skyrim was league ahead of Oblivion in terms of creativity...


You forgot that one of the next TES games could be set in Akavir, home of the Tsescai, Tang Mo, Kamal, and so on.


As for thus... Almost certainly not. There has yet to be a TES game which was anywhere but Tamriel (the focus, anyway, occasionally you do some travel). Tamriel is the center of the world of Nirn, and Nirn is the center of the Aubris. That makes Tamriel, literally, the center of the universe.

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Bethesda lost their creative minds with Oblivion.


We all hope for a Masterpiece by beth, But they are wearing money shoes :sad:


Fixed that for you. Oblivion was a creative disaster, though ironically it forced creativity just to explain why they made it such as generic forest-and-castle mess. Skyrim was league ahead of Oblivion in terms of creativity...


are you serious, Skyrims landscape is so dark foggy and looks the same everywhere you go, Their dungeon layout is a lot better than oblivions and the sim like features like Smithing,Tanning and forging adds a freshness to the game. Oblivion on the other hand was so lush and beutifully rendered but lacked the more complexed Alchemy , Enchanting ans spell creation that morrowind had.


Skyrim gets so repetitive and could really benefit from some of Oblivions more inspiring mods.

Sadly i only see Graphic and UI overhauls for Skyrim.


You forgot that one of the next TES games could be set in Akavir, home of the Tsescai, Tang Mo, Kamal, and so on.


As for thus... Almost certainly not. There has yet to be a TES game which was anywhere but Tamriel (the focus, anyway, occasionally you do some travel). Tamriel is the center of the world of Nirn, and Nirn is the center of the Aubris. That makes Tamriel, literally, the center of the universe.


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I hear you thomriis.


Skyrim added some nice features but there is a genuine, tangible repetitive quality to the game. I'd even include the dungeons. I felt Skyrim's were less inspired. For all the complaints about Oblivion's graphical monotony, not enough recognition goes towards the astonishing variety and freshness they were able to inject into many of the dungeons. Skyrim's tended to lack any puzzle element and the traps were obvious and underutilized.


Skyrim has some cool quest ideas, but they don't seem as cohesive to themselves, lacking a real sense of the motivation behind a lot of what is done. There is nothing that approaches the complexity of say the contentious relationship between Hieronymous Lex and the Thieves' Guild or the phenomenal story line of Lucien Lachance. By the time I was actually able to put my dagger in Lex's back it was up there with some of the most satisfying accomplishments in all of my personal gaming history. No character captured me like that in Skyrim.


Even the voice acting seems less inspired in Skyrim. There was more enthusiasm in Hirtel's babbling at the beginning of Oblivion than can be found in any character in all of Skyrim. Even as you face execution in the beginning of the game, a scene which should have some serious tension, it just comes across dull. What happened? There was also a great sense of awareness of your character among the people of Oblivion. They had a constantly adapting disposition towards your character and often referenced things you did that they liked or disliked. Skyrim screwed the pooch when they gimped it, limiting it to quest specific NPCs, and otherwise implimenting it in a hamfisted fashion.


Way, way too much what you might call fan service in Skyrim. Mega powerful werewolf and vampire powers with virtually no downside. Dragons. QED.


My fingers are real crossed for TES6. I hope it's daring. Maybe a Black Marsh plus Occupied Morrowind. The interesting thing is they set the stage for a sort of global conflict in Skyrim. Everyone can sense the weakness shown by the humans, splintering apart just as an extremely unified elven threat builds on their borders and turns all of their allies. So if they continue with the one province formula it will only be a snapshot of the global crisis, which seems out of character for Bethesda, where usually your character is the most important person in the universe and the last hope for the entire world. Something I find really annoying and not necessary to make an enjoyable game. It's a bit of an RPG trope that can be safely retired.

Edited by budcat
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I was playing Skyrim today when i was in Solitude, when i saw Melaran and Erikur talking where they mentioned Deadric Weapons being Imported from Blackmarsh, so maybe TES6 could be in Blackmarsh, but the War with the Elves is Heavily Hinted in Skyrim witch could lead to Summerset Isle


I remember playing Oblivion where many Characters talked about Skyrim, yet we now have the Game, so TES6 could very well be Summerset Isle since for one, People are Sick of Snow.

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I hear you thomriis.


Skyrim added some nice features but there is a genuine, tangible repetitive quality to the game. I'd even include the dungeons. I felt Skyrim's were less inspired. For all the complaints about Oblivion's graphical monotony, not enough recognition goes towards the astonishing variety and freshness they were able to inject into many of the dungeons. Skyrim's tended to lack any puzzle element and the traps were obvious and underutilized.

Are you joking? Every dungeon in Oblvion looked exactly the same. I believe hearing that one guy made every dungeon in the game. There was no freshness, it was just the same walk to the end, fight a bandit or goblin, and turn around and walk back.



Even the voice acting seems less inspired in Skyrim. There was more enthusiasm in Hirtel's babbling at the beginning of Oblivion than can be found in any character in all of Skyrim. Even as you face execution in the beginning of the game, a scene which should have some serious tension, it just comes across dull. What happened? There was also a great sense of awareness of your character among the people of Oblivion. They had a constantly adapting disposition towards your character and often referenced things you did that they liked or disliked. Skyrim screwed the pooch when they gimped it, limiting it to quest specific NPCs, and otherwise implimenting it in a hamfisted fashion.


I disagree. Hirtel's voice acting to me seemed humorous and out of place. The characters were so stiff in Oblivion. You don't see the terror in his body language, you just see a badly animated scrunched up face shouting at you when it looks like hes talking.



My fingers are real crossed for TES6. I hope it's daring. Maybe a Black Marsh plus Occupied Morrowind. The interesting thing is they set the stage for a sort of global conflict in Skyrim. Everyone can sense the weakness shown by the humans, splintering apart just as an extremely unified elven threat builds on their borders and turns all of their allies. So if they continue with the one province formula it will only be a snapshot of the global crisis, which seems out of character for Bethesda, where usually your character is the most important person in the universe and the last hope for the entire world. Something I find really annoying and not necessary to make an enjoyable game. It's a bit of an RPG trope that can be safely retired.


I totally agree with you on that however. Your insight on what would be a possible good game is spot on. I always did hate how in Elder Scrolls games your character is the most important person in the universe.


All in all, these are just my opinions as I do like Skyrim more than Oblivion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I don't want to start a flame war.


As for this:


I was playing Skyrim today when i was in Solitude, when i saw Melaran and Erikur talking where they mentioned Deadric Weapons being Imported from Blackmarsh, so maybe TES6 could be in Blackmarsh, but the War with the Elves is Heavily Hinted in Skyrim witch could lead to Summerset Isle


I remember playing Oblivion where many Characters talked about Skyrim, yet we now have the Game, so TES6 could very well be Summerset Isle since for one, People are Sick of Snow.


People in Oblivion seemed to talk about all the provinces. Cyrodiil is the center of Tamriel. In the towns more towards the borders to different provinces, you heard the NPCs talking about different things. For instance, in the city of Anvil, you heard NPCs talking about Hammerfell.

Edited by MostlyMuggie
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