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Can someone help me with a script?


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I'm looking for a script that does the following:

If Stages 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 of QUEST are complete, stage 60 of the same quest is activated. At the same time, I'd like to stop the quest from ending when all the objectives are complete, but this is optional.

At any rate, please help me if you can! Tips are good, full scripts are better, but either way: Thanks!


(If this was posted in the wrong section, please move it. Sorry!)

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This is in the wrong section.


But anyway, what you want to do is make a variable in your quest script like "StageCounter" or something and whenever the quest stage is set also have it incriment that variable up

( set StageCounter to StageCounter + 1)

a quest only ends when the script tells it to (the stopquest command I think)


I could write out the whole script if you give me more info.

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Awesome! Thank you! I would appreciate you writing the script, because I really am new to this.

Here's the info:

quest id: REMPQSQ09

desired variable name: gnomevar (sidenote: is there a way to make each variable addition a one-time only thing, so the player can't just pick up the item, get the variable, then drop it, and repeat?)

stages required to activate the final stage (90): 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60


And...yeah, I think that's it. If you need more info, please tell me.

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The problem i have is that I don't know how your quest is structured and what it does, you mentioned a weapon well what is the weapon supposed to do in relation to the quest? Mainly I need to know what action on the player's part will increment the quest forward?
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The quest is to find 5 different Garden Gnomes in Megaton, each with unique names and IDs. I wrote a script that causes the appropriate quest objective to be completed once each gnome is picked up. Each time a new gnome is picked up, I'd like a variable to be added. Is that the information you were looking for? If not, I can say more.

(By the way, FO3: Sin City looks awesome so far!)

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Well now we're getting somewhere :)


What you want to do is where the script is set forward add the line:


set (your variable) to (your variable) + 1


then put in this bit under all the stage setting and variable setting lines:


if (your variable) == 5 (Or however many times you increment it)

setstage 90



something like that


Sin City has tought me a lot about scripting especially the arena.

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make sure you have the variable at the beginning of the script



for example:


scn ExampleScript

short VariableName (declare the variable so the script knows that there is one) 

begin gamemode

if VariableName == something
do something



Also if you are trying to change the variable in a quest script with a different script there is a command for that:


set QuestName.VariableName to whatever

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Okay, now I'm really confused. I did that and it's not doing anything :(

Here's my script:

Scn REMQPSQ09GnomeScript5

Begin OnSell Player
  if GetStage REMPQSQ09 == 10
     SetStage REMPQSQ09 200

Begin OnAdd Player
  if GetStage REMPQSQ09 > 9
     SetStage REMPQSQ09 50
     setObjectiveCompleted REMPQSQ09 40 1
short gnomevar
set gnomevar to gnomevar + 1
if gnomevar == 5
	setstage REMPQSQ09 90

Can you please help me out by telling me where I went wrong?

(this is the script for picking up one of the 5 gnomes)

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