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Limiting Items in Inventory


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I'd like to request a mod that limits the following on both followers and the player character if possible:

5 pieces of armor, 1 of each

5 pieces of clothing total

10 pieces of jewelry total

4 weapons, 1 of each

5 potion types, 1 of each

5 books (excluding paper bounties/letters that weigh nothing, if possible), 1 of each

20 gems total

5 ores total

5 ingots total

10 soul gems total

10 miscellaneous items, up to 2 of each

10 ingredients, up to 10 of each.

5 pieces of food/drink, up to 2 of each

6000 Septims

Perhaps even MCM configurable? That would be awesome.

All excluding quest items and dragon claws if possible.

Tricky feature: When you pickup something that would put you over the limit, it is instead given to your least encumbered follower.

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