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making an "Invisible wall"


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I'm trying to make what is essentially an invisible wall that only the player cannot pass through, but other actors and objects can. I cannot seem to figure this out. I checked the boarders of the skyrim map to see how they do this, but it doesn't look like there is any object that is placed there. Any ideas on how to make an "invisible" wall?


As a side note I haven't been able to see any boxes like the object "defaultActivateSelfTrig". I think it may have to do with my CK settings, but I have no idea how to fix it. Any advice on that would be helpful.

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One way of achieveing roughly what you want is to create a Collision Box and thereby disabling the navmesh temporarily - here is a good lesson how that works -> http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/4657-ck-basics-lesson-2/

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I'm hoping to just stop the player from moving through it, but I still want enemies, spells and arrows, and even other npcs to be able to cross, just not the player.


EDIT: I see that I can make a collision plane, which is almost exactly what I want, but It stops enemies and npcs from being able to pass through while it is on. I need to only stop the player.

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