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Hello, having trouble removing a reference


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Hello, if someone could help me with this, I would appreciate it. I want to delete this particular property in the 'alchemy room' portion of the shire mod in SSEedit because it's an unresolved plugin that interferes with DynDOLOD when I try to use it for the shire worldspace. My issue, as you can see, is that it won't let me remove the plugin even though I had no problem removing other plugins in the same mod

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What exactly do you want to do?


If you want to edit the content of the plugin, you need to select single objects or "branches" in XEdit: "Expand" the plugin's content in the left pane, click on the properties you want to delete, then rightclick and choose "remove". Somehow it seems you're trying to delete the whole plugin instead.


If you really want the plugin to be gone, why not simply uninstall the mod with your mod manager? That's the "normal" way.

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