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Hazardous Environment Suit - Half Life Power Armor?


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Hello all. I am addicted to Half-Life and Fallout. As you can probably tell from my name.


When I played Fallout, I remembered in Ol' Olney, the Prototype Medical Power Armor. Which reminded me very much of a certain orange armor... Now, I'm no good with computer-stuff... at all. But I would *love* to see the HEV Protective Suit in Fallout, if just but for the fact that it stands out as a symbol of Hope. As I see it, it doesn't really interfere with Lore (considering in Half-Life, String-theory, and multiple universes are concepts touched upon, as is Teleportation, and alot of other theory), and it has that sort of glamor to it. Also as far as I can tell, this is the first request for this armor, but please do tell if it has been done before. Here's a referance, I guess, for the armor. I don't have many pictures, and using the SDK to try and find them is beyond my comprehension (Dangit, I'm a Doctor! ...Not a regular doctor!).


Please help this poor ol' Man out :P


Cheers and Goodluck,

The One Free Man


PS: Any works on a Crowbar, Glock 17, or reskin of the Rock-it-Launcher to the Zero Point Maniupulator Gun would be appretiated. Or if somehow you make a Gravity Gun, more power too you!!

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Thanks for the link, and I did look up Half-Life.


Forgot to search up HEV, my apologies, im rather new here. But as I saw the suit, it seemed more of a retexture of the T-4x armor, with some... uh... rather... bulky legs. And Shoulder-pads. I was thinking more along the lines of the HEV Mark V Protective Environment System... with Stats and resistances to boot. I mean, sure it wont protect you 100%, but it outta take alot of the Radation out of it, as well as a decent Morphine (Med-X, or Stimpack) -administering system... perhaps with the helmet (brought out with a little more high-definition from its Half-Life 1 Incarnation).


Thanks for the point-out to the suit though, but I want something a lil'... closer. And I don't know, maybe in it's own little shack of some sort, under examination, or what have you, with a quest to find it... I know the Modders, modellers, and all those programers may be bogged down doing other projects, but I just wanted to bring something up for those die-hard fans out there of the Free Man, however few they are these days. Sorry I can't help any more though, I'm bad with modding, or anything along that nature. I added a picture of the helmeted Mk. IV, so if anyone ever picks up my idea, and can make it look a little more Mark-V, I'd appretiate it completely :D... sorry about my vagueness before, and that I didn't search enough. But I think it could be done better, not that it wasn't good, it's all good, but there is room for improvement.


Yours truely,

The Good Doctor


EDIT: For comparison, I'm throwing in the armor thats already been made. You know, compare apples, to apples. Cheers. Armor made by Zealotlee, I think.

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For the morphine injection thing... if anyone does do it, could they also make it play the original sound? the "administering morphine" (or something like that) one? Actually, it would be nice if it played the original sound for everything.
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Well that's good. We just need someone with the skills to make a new armor, rather then the retex. And I agree with the sound idea, play all the original sounds... wish I had thought of it sooner >_>...


So... anyone got a good modeller in mind who can free up some time for this?



Gordon Freeman

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Oh, got an idea for some more Half-Life stuff that could be added... the Tau-Cannon ('gauss gun', but it's actually closer to a coil gun, it shoots particles, not slugs) and the Gluon Gun (the other energy weapon)... I'll add pics later, probably tomorrow, and hopefully someone picks this project up :P


The Tired Doctor, because he is an insomniac.

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