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Hazardous Environment Suit - Half Life Power Armor?


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Haha glad to see I'm not the only Half-Life fan around ^^

Here are the picks of the two weapons I mentioned. I'm thinking if no one picks it up soon, Ima find a better computer, reinstall Fallout on that, and mod it myself (my current computer is garbage right now, doesnt run properly ><... it's old, and breaking down now). More referance pics in my next post.




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  • 3 weeks later...

...*De bump*


I usually don't (Read: Never) bump a topic just to get it on the recent posted... but I just was wondering if any modders out there could pleassee pick this up. My models were terrible. Horrendous even... so... yeah... :/


Help a poor doctor out.


The Gordon. (Shut up. I ran out of good, unique sigs >_>)

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  • 2 months later...








Haven't posted here in awhile, but still hoping a modeler picks this up. Any Half-Life fans older than seven years of age, who are good with anything involving 3D modelling/texturing/ANYTHING? (I tried, I failed, and than tried again, and than my computer became even less responsive than it was! I didn't even think it was possible...)


Also, has anyone else noticed how people just pick up guns/costume ideas from any and all of their favorite videogames (or rather, the three popular ones, Halo, in particular, with a few people taking guns from Metal Gear Solid 4: GotP? Kinda getting sick of people posting the same idea over, and over again. I mean come on, at least I was fairly original in my request! You know, until like, three others decided to follow my example and request THE SAME EXACT FRAKKING THING. Thanks guys. Just clog the request box up some more, that will DEFINITELY get these projects on their way! :wallbash: )


*SIGH* :closedeyes:


Well, It's late, and I'm tired. I'll *try* (re-)downloading blender, and some other 3D modeling shiz, but I have no bloody idea what I'm doing. So please, please, PLEASE, if you are even the slightest bit of a HL fan, or have some sympathy for me, would you please help me out? :thanks:




(Unrelated: Was anyone else at the Paul McCartney Concert on the 21st?)

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