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A Veronica Romance Mod?


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Wondering if there's anyone interested in a Lore Friendly version of a Veronica Romance? I'm not saying I could do it at this point as time, just want to generate discussion.


I guess I'll start off with the elephant in the room: whether a male romance is possible or not. I think it could be doable. This is because sexuality is complicated. It needs to be acknowledged that under normal circumstances Veronica only likes women, or at least could never imagine a relationship with a man, while still more attracted to females. I don't think it would do justice to to depict either Arcade or Veronica as secretly bi all along. I do submit to you the Tvtrope page "If It's You Its Okay:"




Strangle enough, this is a well documented phenomena in real life. The most prominent example is none other than Oscar Wilde, the man whop established the camp gay stereotype. He also loved his wife until the day he died, placing flowers on her grave. So placing Veronica or Arcade as a 4 or 5 on the Kinsey Scale isn't that out of this world. But for Veronica, a male romance should be much, much harder.

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