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Weapons completely disappearing from disarm shout

Guest deleted153426568

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Guest deleted153426568

Is this happening to anyone else? When I am fighting a Draughr Death Lord and he uses the Disarm shout my weapons simply vanish into thin air. They are gone period. I have fought quite a few death lords in very small, well lit rooms. after the Death Lord uses the disarm shout my weapons vanish. I search the room with a torch or candlelight spell and their is no sign of my weapons on the floor, on the walls, on the ceiling. There are no weapons floating in mid air ( it is a Bethesda game after all ) they're just gone. I search the body of the defeated Death Lord, nadda. Check my own inventory, nadda. Check every nook and cranny of the room, nadda. Where did my weapons go ???

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This is a pretty common occurrence, the weapons simply clip through the walls and floor of the cell, and go bouncing off to who knows where. I think that there are a couple of mods that will change or remove the disarm shout from Draugr. Just do a search.

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Happened to us many times. At least 100.


Sometimes you can find the disarmed weapon by equipping the Telekinesis spell, and surveying an entire room with the spell "armed" on both hands.


What really hurts is using the console command with the weapon id number learned from an earlier game save, to placeatme, which command fails, or the console command moveto (weapon) identification number command, and you are moved to an area of ground where there's nothing, so clearly the weapon has clipped into the graphics somewhere.


If you really love a weapon, that gets disarmed and then disappears clipped through the walls, you can reload a save from before going into that area. Just like regular gameplay, getting killed in an area, and oops, didn't get that right, so we gotta prepare for these enemies' skills! Drat: reload.


We really get frustrated when we craft great weapons, enchant them, and then give them to Thralls, and then "BOOM" our Thralls are disarmed by a Death Lord, and our hard-earned weapons have vanished! At least a hundred more times. Ouch!


We try to keep Death Lords staggered, though, and they can't finish their Shouts? GL.

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