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How to transfer part of a model onto another model


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I have been trying to replace the shoes on the athlete of the wastes outfit with the ones from the wasteland scout outfit with very little success. I have blender and nifskope, and can get the model to look ok in those programs, but using it in game causes a ctd. The main problem is that I can't seem to get the whole outfit to become one block. Even if it seems to only have one block as far as I can tell, when I try to make a uv map it will only be made for either the shoes, or the rest of the outfit. I don't really know what I'm doing, can someone point me in the right direction?
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once youve got the shoes on the outfit, switch to object mode, select both the outfit and the shoes, then hit ctrl+j in blender to combine them into one object. you might have to rerig the outfit after that, im not entirely sure, but that could be why youre getting the ctds.
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I've managed to do that, but when I try to make a uv map, the shoes end up superimposed over the rest of it, which is obviously no good. I tried just making the shoes a separate item of clothing, but they still won't show up in game. :unsure:


Is there a tutorial out there on getting blender files to work in Fallout 3? I haven't been able to find one.

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yeah you will need to edit the uvs so the shoes have their own space on the uv map. then you could photoshop in the shoes part of the other outfits texture map. to have the shoes as a separate item you would need to have them rigged to the feet bones separately and use a different slot than the main outfit.



general objects from blender to fallout

sicklyields clothing tutorial



hope that helps a bit,


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