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Need help finding mod


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I guess this wont redisplay corpses that have been removed already, right? Is there any way to revive somebody once he has vanished? For some weird reason the Khajiit Thieve in Lejawin was caught trying to steal a bottle of cheap wine (I check his pockets once he was dead) from the barlady and was killed so now I have noone in that town to buy my stolen goods 8| which is hard enough as it is with living economy mod...
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No (easy) way to redisplay corpses as far as I know. However if the corpse is still there you can reanimate it by hitting the "~" key in-game, clicking on the corpse and typing "resurrect" without quotes. Hope that helps.
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I guess this wont redisplay corpses that have been removed already, right? Is there any way to revive somebody once he has vanished? For some weird reason the Khajiit Thieve in Lejawin was caught trying to steal a bottle of cheap wine (I check his pockets once he was dead) from the barlady and was killed so now I have noone in that town to buy my stolen goods 8| which is hard enough as it is with living economy mod...


The fence in Leyawiin is Dar Jee an Argonian (lizard)


If this NPC is dead and despawned try player.placeatme 34E76 or player.placeatme 3599B either one should spawn him anew.

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The fence in Leyawiin is Dar Jee an Argonian (lizard)


If this NPC is dead and despawned try player.placeatme 34E76 or player.placeatme 3599B either one should spawn him anew.


I totally forgot about this post...

Yes, thats the one. Thanks for the tip, he died months ago and the corpse has already vanished to cyber-oblivion so I hope this helps. Ill try that console command as soon as Im home.

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