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disabled objects from sanctuary found in cambridge

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This was an issue i had a while back where a gigantic number of disabled objects from sanctuary were found under greentech causing massive lag to both sanctuary and the cell at greentech...


These were 100s of objects that i had deleted (newbie back then)...and when i did a clean up with Fo4edit (undelete and disable) they ended up under the greentech cell...


Now im re-doing that mod with some changes and fixes and while searching for a gourd plant linked to the workshop i clicked on it and guess where it was ?....Among 100s of sanctuary objects..UNDER THE INSTITUTE CRATER !!!!


So someone please tell me wtf is going on because it cost me over 10 hours of work to clean the mess up.

I had to remove any references to those cells from the plugin and guess what ?....ALL THAT SH!T WAS RE-ENABLED IN SANCTUARY..... FFS all that crap among my new buildings .

It was hell to clean everything up...With batch action and 10-20 objects at a time (init/disabled and Hidden from local map)....


So ...

Question: is this a Fo4edit bug or the CK ?


Also is there a way to sink to -30.000 Z in a batch ? (now after i disable and hide i simply sink them by hand but not that far ( so i dont get an error if i go too deep )...

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If xEdit undeletes something, it clears the deleted flag, sets enable state to opposite of parent (and parent is player) and moves it to 0,0,-30000.

When you delete the records that do this disabling and moving, stuff will ofc pop back up in it's original places.


Works as expected I'd say.

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If xEdit undeletes something, it clears the deleted flag, sets enable state to opposite of parent (and parent is player) and moves it to 0,0,-30000.

When you delete the records that do this disabling and moving, stuff will ofc pop back up in it's original places.


Works as expected I'd say.

Is 0,0 under cambridge ?? In Fo4edit there was references in cambridge crater and greentech. You know that its physically impossible that i moved them all there and in a tiny cluster from sanctuary while editing so how did they get there ?

Look at the pics of the mod before i fixed it...



Edited by greekrage
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