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7 Days To Die

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Would it be possible to change the damage multiplier from the difficulty settings for the player and for the Zombies
i found this chart online


https://[A site we've had to banlist because they continue to spam mod authors with advertising links].com/billing/knowledgebase/429/How-to-Change-the-Difficulty-of-Your-7-Days-to-Die-Server.html


i would like to have the damage multiplier from (4) Survivalist for the Zombies but also the (1) Adventurer or (0) Scavenger damage multiplier for the player

Edited by DerGallier
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  • 1 month later...

How about some curved blocks like asphalt for road building? Been playing on console for years but now on PC and I'm a builder of things. New block shapes would be nice. Also, any way to make a terrain editing tool that actually edits terrain instead of the dev tools that just add or take away huge chunks at a time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If anyone would like an item or a change added to the game please let me know and i will see if I can make it happen

I would like a mod that adjusts the Tracking perk, so each rank also extends the tracking distance to 200m at rank 2, and 300m at rank 3. the 100meters default is worthless

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I think this will be a hard one but I would love to see a mod that makes it so you receive trader quest at the POI. So instead of going to a trader and getting a random list of quest from the trader instead every POI that you go to will have the yellow exclamation mark to activate a clear/fetch quest for that POI.

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  • 1 month later...
Looking for a mod that adds Rosegold paint and dye. Done some research and notice that people say adding new paints is difficult. I would truly appreciate someone giving it a go. I know it may sound very girly but the game lacks that feminine touch which is okay I suppose but I'd love the option to have something that expresses who I am in the game.
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