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7 Days To Die

New mod ideas


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for A21 Can we get the new versions of blocks ie. kitchen, ovens, fridges, microwaves, wall papers, doors without boards on them, the decor stuff but new looking. This rusty old stuff in my new modern house looks dumb lol I'd love to see more texture options for kitchens and things. Thanks, If there's one that already does this for the new version pls let me know where? :D

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So I recently was searching for worlds most expensive chocolate milk out of bordem and what I found blew my mind there is a chocolate milk called trader Joe's chocolate milk please someone make it a mod I thought this is amazing no way look it up I'm not lying


Edited by madas12340
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Some Ideas since some one wants to be ambitious.


First ill state, none of my ideas are original and come from other games.


"Fallout" inspired power armors, vaults and quests. Nothing says postapocalypes more than power armor and radaway


"borderlands" inspired grenade mods, energy shields, portable turrets and vending machines that sell loot.


"halo" inspired multi seated vehicles like the humvee that has the turret on the back letting players shoot on the go.


"dyinglight" inspired movement parkour, combat skill trees , grapling hook and built in worldly traps this would give 7days to die a much needed overhaul for combat and survivability


"Rust" inspired scraping machines.


some ideas for weapons and traps and such.


bubble shield mines you toss them they emit a sphere of energy in an area pushing zombies out of said spot until they burst the bubble. This would be great to rush in and repair an base or something that needs repaired in a breach.


"Drones" that collect loot for the player. some times theres just too much loot to grab all at once and is time consuming and you just want to get in and out. This idea is sorta like world of warcraft and diablo pets that run and collect the stuff for you from dropped mobs.


zombie bait blocks. This block built by flesh attracts zombies to the location as if the player was there. once the block is destroyed they will then look for the player instead.


zombie air raid siren this trap block draws zombies based on noise distracting zombies from the player. requires power.


Any how you wanted ideas there you have it. I also suggest that all items traps and the like in the above should have 7 tiers, tech trees ,skill magazines and quests to unlock for a full immersion experience.


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