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Need Help about quest script that automatically add perk to the player


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Can anyone be so kind and give me an example script or teach me how to write a [blank] quest script that only automatically add a perk to the player when they run Skyrim like

Chameleon Effects - Resource with Playable Demo by Maegfaer ?

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an perk that has been given when the player starts a game needs to be made over a quest that has the flag run on game start


make a stage 0 check the flag starting stage make a new entry and add a property with the perk and write into the script line game.getplayer().addperk(yourperk)

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an perk that has been given when the player starts a game needs to be made over a quest that has the flag run on game start


make a stage 0 check the flag starting stage make a new entry and add a property with the perk and write into the script line game.getplayer().addperk(yourperk)



With this, my new mod is ready to be release, thank you again!

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