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The B&Hammer Olympics


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{[ B&Hammer Olympics ]}


Our highly honoured & noble moderators have protected our community with their noble b&hammers and yellow font of ownage. But not all can see their valiant efforts against these, these.. Bigots! Yes. Bigots. So, with the file of the month system or something everytime a moderator bans a bigot his/her score rises. With so much competition, our community would be open to millions, as they whiped clean the scourge of the angry Bigots & the highly frequent, unbreakable troll. No more shall we need flaming threads. No more shall admins have to scream at pillows because their site has been dirtied by trolls. No. With these olympics, we can cure almost everything that ails us.


So you ask, why did I even think of this? Well good sir, I went to the strikes forum and noticed many bans, etc. So I was like " Well, if we had the olympics posted on every page of the website in some kind of compact corner thing, trolls/bigots would notice how much our moderators/admins care about their community, and they would go back to infesting youtube, arguing which console is better. " So then I thought to myself, " Well, I should go waste my time perfecting a thread, just to get six comments! Booyah "




Now the moderators cant expect to go through endless nights without a reward! I have no idea what their reward should be. Post your ideas on rewards below pl0x in a NEW comment, not a reply ( unless your providing some constructive criticism. ( Flaming is not valid ) )


Someone could make a b&hammer or some other B&[insertweaponhere] for moderators. That would be nice, y'know since your not required to pay anything to use this sight, and I believe it costs them money for servers. Then admins and moderators can have their own banning game. Or a game about the moderators.Like " Rise of the Moderators " Where you play as one of the moderators. Idk, again, post ideas for rewards and criticism ( constructive only )


( This user is no way racist or prejudice against trolls. YOU are. )

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