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Big Mod, Several Questions


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I'm working on a custom NPC mod that also adds a handful of other things and I'm having a little trouble with some of the functions.


One of the more basic things I'm struggling with is adding a new map location. I need to alter part of the existing map just to add a little path and then add the new maps which consist of a small chunk of woods and the interior of a building. I have the maps created visual with Tiled and have laid down some paths, but I'm not really sure what to do from there. I'm not exactly sure how to get the path in the altered map to lead to the new location or how to make the game register that the door to the building leads to the interior map.


One of the other big questions I have with the custom map stuff is how to set a location that's only open after a certain calendar day, the same way that you can't access the mines until Spring 5 Yr 1.


Related to the above is just some difficulty I'm having with schedules and locations. There's plenty of information on how to do it, I just wanna know if anyone has some helpful tips on keeping track of coordinates and such.


Most of the other questions I have have to do with shop functions. I was wondering if anyone had any idea how to do a limited shop stock that randomizes/restocks on a specific day of the week, but with livestock instead of normal objects. If nothing like this exists, where would be a good place to start? An example would be like in one week there are 20 chickens and 5 pigs available and then on Saturday the stock updates and there are now 20 chickens, 6 ducks and 10 cows available for the week. Obviously that's just an example, but the basic idea is every week there's a randomized selection of livestock from a list and each category is set to stock a random number between 1 and a set n value of whatever livestock are chosen. Also, if it's possible to have certain categories be static/not limited such as chickens and ducks being unlimited and always available, but cows having limited stock that would also be cool.


The other stuff I haven't started yet, but may have future questions about are mostly just little things like NPC schedule changes and custom traveling merchants. I'm not anticipating having as much trouble with that stuff, but I still appreciate any advice y'all have!


Thanks in advance and I hope that I will someday actually have something to publish lol

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I'm working on a custom NPC mod that also adds a handful of other things and I'm having a little trouble with some of the functions.


One of the more basic things I'm struggling with is adding a new map location. I need to alter part of the existing map just to add a little path and then add the new maps which consist of a small chunk of woods and the interior of a building. I have the maps created visual with Tiled and have laid down some paths, but I'm not really sure what to do from there. I'm not exactly sure how to get the path in the altered map to lead to the new location or how to make the game register that the door to the building leads to the interior map.


One of the other big questions I have with the custom map stuff is how to set a location that's only open after a certain calendar day, the same way that you can't access the mines until Spring 5 Yr 1.


Related to the above is just some difficulty I'm having with schedules and locations. There's plenty of information on how to do it, I just wanna know if anyone has some helpful tips on keeping track of coordinates and such.


Most of the other questions I have have to do with shop functions. I was wondering if anyone had any idea how to do a limited shop stock that randomizes/restocks on a specific day of the week, but with livestock instead of normal objects. If nothing like this exists, where would be a good place to start? An example would be like in one week there are 20 chickens and 5 pigs available and then on Saturday the stock updates and there are now 20 chickens, 6 ducks and 10 cows available for the week. Obviously that's just an example, but the basic idea is every week there's a randomized selection of livestock from a list and each category is set to stock a random number between 1 and a set n value of whatever livestock are chosen. Also, if it's possible to have certain categories be static/not limited such as chickens and ducks being unlimited and always available, but cows having limited stock that would also be cool.


The other stuff I haven't started yet, but may have future questions about are mostly just little things like NPC schedule changes and custom traveling merchants. I'm not anticipating having as much trouble with that stuff, but I still appreciate any advice y'all have!


Thanks in advance and I hope that I will someday actually have something to publish lol


So, let me preface this by saying I am also learning as I go along and I may not know the best way to do things, but I do often know a way!


Regarding travel, you are probably going to want to use some combination of the map properties 'warp' and/or 'NPC warp' , which look something like this:


Warp [<int fromX> <int fromY> <string toArea> <int toX> <int toY>]


Remember this is a map property, so use it on the whole map, not the actual warp point tiles. You'll want to add it on both sides in opposite directions so people can go back and forth. Read more about possible map and tile properties here.


I think you can probably set conditions to load the map with content patcher, so definitely read more into their available conditions! I think you might have to peek into their code on github for the full list.


Keeping track of coordinates is gigantic pain and I have no good tips yet. I am indefinitely delaying my custom greenhouse map because I am never going to want to do all the freaking lights I put in!


I also have no advice for the rotating livestock shop, but I love it! I am sitting on a finished breeding overhaul mod (sans documentation, ugh) I'd love to make sure is compatible with it (re: genders available/prices).

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