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Disappeared architecture


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Hi all,

Did A Very Bad Thing and stacked on several texture and mesh mods at once (Half-Timbered Fachwerk, a rebuild of SMIM and patches, Noble Skyrim HD, and NSUTR with patches). Now random building pieces are missing. All the stone pillars in front of Bleak Hearth Barrow or Arcwind Point; half of the stone work in the small outer cell towers like the bandits just before BHB or up behind Arcwind Point (Bounty for Crowstooth [CC]); and, strangely, some of the longhouses. Whiterun and Falkreath are fine but Highmoon Hall is gone. The doors remain and still function as activators - I can activate them from either side and be transported inside - but the buildings themselves arent just invisible, they're gone. LOOT doesn't show any missing dependencies and Vortex doesn't have any cyclic rules so I'm ok there. I'm a novice with SSEdit - I usually just use it to clean mods. Where should I be looking in SSEdit to find where a mod is damaging external cells?

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In general, missing or invisible anything means missing meshes. This means, meshes for the walls etc. you're missing aren't there (or not in the place, where a plugin expects them). The mods you mentioned are defintely (partly) conflicting. So, it's a question of which mod "wins" over the others.


What mod manager are you using? If it's Vortex or MO2, you can easily define overwrite rules. That's probably what's needed here.


BTW, NSUTR was nice, but it is really outdated now. I'd recommend "simplicity of snow" instead. It also has a function to remove snow from places under a roof. Probably easier to handle.


Regarding SSEEdit: I'm afraid it won't help you much, since SSEEdit mainly shows conflicts between plugins. At least parts of your conflicts are probably mesh or texture issues, that won't show up in SSEEdit. If you want to look for conflicts with plugins, SSEEDit can be helpful though.


The basic principle is always the same: Load your whole load order into SSEEdit, then expand Skyrim.esm (or the DLC files, if you're looking for issues with them) in the left pane. Go to the entries of cells or locations, that are problematic and have a look at the records: Green means "not overwritten by anything", orange/brown means "there are conflicts, but this record wins", red means "this is overwritten by something". In the right pane, you will find detailed information, which mods change a given record.


But again: You probably need to set up overwrite rules. From my experience, Morthal is extremely prone to conflicts, since almost every texture mod out there, that changes architecture, also changes farm houses. And Morthal consists of farm house style buildings. So, no wonder problems show up in connection with Highmoon Hall.


On a side note: LOOT won't help here either. Especially with mods changing landscape and/or buildings, you have to decide, what YOU want to see in your game. So, you have to sort conflicting plugins yourself. Basic principle: Mods later in your load order "win" over mods loaded before.

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Thanks for the response. I use Vortex, and one of the things I like about it is that you can manually insert rules " x must load before/after y" even if conflicts aren't detected by the mod manager itself. You gave me exactly the answer I was looking for - ref the base masters for conflicts. That's the part I'd forgotten. Also, I yanked No Snow and Better Dynamic Snow, due to all the patches they needed. They worked together for the last two years, but who knows which farmhouse or stonework mod I threw in broke everything. I'll run with SoS and hope for the best. Again, thanks for the response.

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