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Lay in beds without auto triggering sleep


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So, you know how your character can sit in chairs and you have to hit a button to trigger the wait function? Could someone do that with beds too? Like, you hit on the bed, your character does the lay down animation and then you have to hit a button to trigger the sleep function? I always wanted to be able to do screen shots of my character laying down after a long day of wandering the wasteland. Can anyone make something like this happen?

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I see what you mean, but the Sleep Together Anywhere only applies to the camp site, not to all beds. I'm looking for a mod that lets you lay down on any bed, then press Y or T, depending on control interface, to trigger the sleep mode, like how chairs and the wait feature work. Why bethesda didn't do it like that is beyond me, but I think it would make for a cool immersion mod.

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