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bloodmoon installation


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i have just installed bloodmoon and keep getting error msgs about chunk size and additional weather chances. then my game crashes. i have reinstalled bloodmoon a million times, downloaded the patch, tried reinstalling again and nothing works!


can anyone tell me how to fix it??


i had that kind a error but try to install all over again and then first install Tribunal and then Bloodmoon


GRTX 159357

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i installed tribunal a long time ago so i don't think that is the issue.


are you saying i should uninstall morrowind completely and reinstall all 3 of them again?

.... if you are we may have a problem - i don't know how to back up saved games and mods and all of that stuff


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Yes.  I want the unabridged contents of Warnings.txt.




Chunk size 10 too big in chunk WEAT_ID in form REGN_ID

Max size is 8, data truncated to "



Region 'Felsaad Coast Region' Weather Chances do not total 100 percent.


Region 'Moesring Mountains Region' Weather Chances do not total 100 percent.


Region 'Isinfier Plains Region' Weather Chances do not total 100 percent.


Chunk size 10 too big in chunk WEAT_ID in form REGN_ID

Max size is 8, data truncated to "#".


The first error msg is repeated a few times between the others.

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