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bloodmoon installation


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Have you ever considered following the link that I've given for MD5 digest?


ok im dumb but im not that dumb!

i downloaded the link but i didn't realise it would be specific to my game.

... ok maybe i am that dumb



here tis



MD5Sums 1.0 freeware for Win9x/ME/NT/2000+

Copyright © 2001 Jem E. Berkes - http://www.pc-tools.net

Uses: RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm

Type C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\patch\md5sums.exe -h for help



Usage: C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\patch\md5sums.exe [-noperce

nt] filespec1 [filespec2 ...]


Normally, a percent done indicator is shown for very large files. The -n switch

suppresses this (e.g. for use in scripts). Usage examples:


C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\patch\md5sums.exe original.doc cop


C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\patch\md5sums.exe -n c:\temp > log



Press ENTER to exit


is that what you're after? (i can see you banging your head against the desk!)

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Drag Morrowind.exe onto the MD5 hash executable, and then post the output from that.





MD5Sums 1.0 freeware for Win9x/ME/NT/2000+

Copyright © 2001 Jem E. Berkes - http://www.pc-tools.net

Uses: RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm

Type C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\md5sums.exe -h for help


[Path] / filename MD5 sum


[C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\]

Morrowind.exe 866a179f9628f96cb38169dc7a27d5ad


Press ENTER to exit

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MD5Sums 1.0 freeware for Win9x/ME/NT/2000+
Copyright © 2001 Jem E. Berkes - http://www.pc-tools.net
Uses: RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
Type C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\md5sums.exe -h for help

[Path] / filename MD5 sum
[C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\]
Morrowind.exe 866a179f9628f96cb38169dc7a27d5ad


deep-blue:/mnt/win/Program Files/Bethesda Softworks/Morrowind # openssl dgst -md5 Morrowind.exe.bak
MD5(Morrowind.exe.bak)= 866a179f9628f96cb38169dc7a27d5ad


...Okay, so your executable is identical in its contents to the executable from a working North American 1.6 installation. I think it's safe to say that the problem doesn't lie there.


Try just giving in and reinstalling. If that doesn't work, make a post to the official forums -- this may be a common problem. If you don't get a response there, it may be that you'll need to hexedit portions of Bloodmoon.esm to get rid of the snow (and thus, the error).

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