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"Perfect" world?


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Well, this issue was brought up when I wrote the story "Perfect World"; the topic being whether or not it's really possible to achieve a truly perfect world.


My view of this has been made clear in the story that no, you can't get what is being called a perfect world because we already have one. A world without flaws is not perfect. So in essence, a flawed world is flawless as without good, there's no bad and vise versa.


Like Jaosals had said, "It could be better, but it could also be a lot worse."


So what do you guys think of this?

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  • 4 weeks later...

i agree with you on this because...well nothing in the world cant flaw(or whatever u want to say)


take me for example...i cant dance(lol weird point but its true)im not so called"perfect"and no one is


+ i liked the quote at the end b/c it could seem alot better but yet it could turn out alot worse




so ya i think well of this topic






MY OPINION! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:






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One of the basic laws that define our universe states that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". Therefore it is impossible to create a "perfect" world because there will always be defects.

For an example, take bees. A lot of people don't like bees, and think that the world would be a better place without them. But if all bees were eradicated then a lot less plants would get fertilized, leading to reduces plant life and lower oxygen levels. And lets not forget, no honey.

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If it was perfect, how would you know that it was perfect? As there would be nothing 'imperfect' to compare it with. So that by itself makes it not perfect - A paradox.


And, without imperfections, There would be no reason to strive to make things better, as they are already perfect.


A pair of paradoxes (paradox squared?)


Besides, perfection would be very boring

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If it was perfect, how would you know that it was perfect? As there would be nothing 'imperfect' to compare it with. So that by itself makes it not perfect - A paradox.


And, without imperfections, There would be no reason to strive to make things better, as they are already perfect.


A pair of paradoxes (paradox squared?)


Besides, perfection would be very boring

ala"Catch 22"

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I think that we will never have a perfect world, the human race is not build to be perfect. The same for every animal in the world, life is based on survival of the fittest. Luckely we evolved into people with feeling and we don't bash eachothers brains anymore with wooden clubs [err well most of us don't]. But there will always be people who want to rule over other people, it's all about power and ego's. So we will never have a perfect world because there will always be people who think about the needs of themselves. Which means that we can never have a perfect world if people only live in their own world.


But sometimes I wonder, wouldn't we go crazy in a world where everything is perfect? If everything is perfect and there's nothing wrong. I think that would be a realy boring world. For everything to be perfect everything has to be the same, everybody has to think the same, has to dress the same and has to behave the same, is that something what we realy want?



on the other hand mj makes a good start


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Well, if you think about it, if the so called perfect world has so much problem's that it couldn't exist, that some very basic component of existence was lacking, it shouldn't even be called perfect. It'd be an even more flawed world only being called perfect because of it's lack of pain.



And also, we actually have created a society where those who aren't fit survive. The ones who can't adapt to change or rely on their basic instinct to survive are thriving in the world. Survival of the fittest has long been ignored and such a natural defiance has taken it's toll on this planet.




But I think our perfect world does in fact exist. We already live in it.

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I think calling the world of today "perfect" is a big mistake. It's understandable from a certain point of view, but it's still a mistake. People get raped as I write this, how's that supposed to be "perfect"? And even without malice, people can still die in many ways, at the most inconvenient times. Try convincing a young widow who truly loved her man that "this is the perfect world". You will most likely fail.


That is why mankind invented heaven. The vision of a perfect world is what takes off some of this world's awfulness. But only in your mind, not in reality.


Books usually have happy endings, so that people will like them. And when one's over, you can read another one. But you only have one life to live, and even if you don't like it, you have to bear with it. And you'll most certainly not like the end, that's in the nature of things.


People long for freedom, so a perfect world would have to be free to a certain extent. But people also long for security - and the freedom of one is the insecurity of others.


You can call these things "flaws" - but if one of these flaws is capable of ruining your entire life, this can hardly be called "perfect".


I don't think something like a "perfect world" can possibly exist. You would not only have to change the world for that, but mankind as well. You'd have to make humans not having fun by bringing other beings pain. You'd have to remove the striving of each human to gain power over his surroundings. You'd have to make mankind incapable of fealing jealousy and hatred. You'd have to make humans perfect beings.


A perfect world can't possibly exist for imperfect beings like us. And if the question is not about a perfect world for humans, but a perfect world in general - then you can just delete anything in the universe so that nothing remains but the void. Wouldn't that be true perfection?

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Perfect doesn't indicate good or lack of evil. perfect means it is one; a whole so to speak. Yes, the world can be much, much better like you said. I completely agree, but take all the stuff away and the world isn't perfect. It's one sided.


And the only reason something can really be malice is that it an opposite exists to allow malice to be what it is. Good is only determined by the presence of bad and vise versa.


Yin and Yang. Take away one and what do you have? An imperfect side to a perfect combination.


I understand what your getting at, though. It's hard to call something perfect when everything seems so unfair.

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