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questions about the new faces mod

Guest Guest_wolfcrazy

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Guest Guest_wolfcrazy

I downloaded and installed the Rheddhedds new faces mods, and as far as I can tell, the playable faces appear to work fine. However, I have a few questions:


When I load up MW, I get a series of seven error messages that pop up in MW windows saying something about the file being saved prior to something else and that it may cause errors, blah blah... Well, I haven't noticed any errors yet in playing it. I installed nine of these faces mods, but only get seven of these messages. Unfortunately, I don't have the exact text of the message, as I only have MW installed at home, and I'm at work right now. If anyone needs it I can try to post that tonight.


Also, the new faces don't appear to replace any of the default NPCs faces in the game. I was hoping to see some of the new, really cool faces replace some of the boxy looking default ones. Not much point in installing these new faces if the only time you can see them is if you let the game sit for two minutes until the camera pans around your character. Any idea how I can change this? Is it possible?


Thanks for your help!




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Guest Guest_wolfcrazy

uhhh...where do I find that one? I've tried a couple searches and browsed the database, but to no avail.



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Guest Guest_wolfcrazy

its in the complete MW link thread on the main discussion board. Just look for a reference to wormgod



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