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Textures, Replacers and you...


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Greetings...I wouldn't bother you otherwise but I'm not exactly sure how to properly search for this...and as most of you have modding experience I figured this would be a good place to ask.


I've been messing around with new mods recently and tried downloading that HGEC Armor Replacer (frankly for the Arena armor and that's it...if there's a stand alone for the arena armor please let me know as that's all I really want)...and while the mod works as well as it should...every time I add it to Oblivion eventually I start running into what I can only assume is texture corruption (pink where textures should be)...is there a way, other than reinstalling Oblivion...to fix it? Can I do anything in OBMM to fix it?


Secondly...could I simply delete all the other things items from the HGEC mod and leave the Arena set? I tried that and everytime I tried to equip the Light Raiment the game crashed...not sure what it's missing or if it's even possible because past the dummy proof stuff I'm positively clueless about these mods.


Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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If your textures are pink it means they are not in the correct folder.

No you cannot just delete the files you don't want - the esp points to

those files. Disable the mod then delete the esp and the files you don't want.

If you do this however you must make sure the textures you want to use are

not in a custom folder - if the mod was packaged that way.


Another issue depends on what mod you are using. Dudes skimpy(almost nude)

light raiment uses several textures in different folders. In this case you will want to make

sure you have the correct textures in all the folders as displayed in NifScope.

Some of these are vanilla files and should be O.K. just don't try and change them.

Sound complicated ? Well you did choose one that is a little that way. You may need a

little practice with something else first.

In this instance you will have to use the mesh as well.


If you are only retexturing the stock arena raiment then you only have to have the folders

- textures\Armor\arenalightraiment\f (or m as the case may be). Your texture file will go in the last folder.


EDIT: And furthermore -You could use the mesh and textures to make you very own mod. You will need

Tes Construction Set for this, and some tutorials, and time. Have fun....

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If your textures are pink it means they are not in the correct folder.

No you cannot just delete the files you don't want - the esp points to

those files. Disable the mod then delete the esp and the files you don't want.

If you do this however you must make sure the textures you want to use are

not in a custom folder - if the mod was packaged that way.


Another issue depends on what mod you are using. Dudes skimpy(almost nude)

light raiment uses several textures in different folders. In this case you will want to make

sure you have the correct textures in all the folders as displayed in NifScope.

Some of these are vanilla files and should be O.K. just don't try and change them.

Sound complicated ? Well you did choose one that is a little that way. You may need a

little practice with something else first.

In this instance you will have to use the mesh as well.


If you are only retexturing the stock arena raiment then you only have to have the folders

- textures\Armor\arenalightraiment\f (or m as the case may be). Your texture file will go in the last folder.


EDIT: And furthermore -You could use the mesh and textures to make you very own mod. You will need

Tes Construction Set for this, and some tutorials, and time. Have fun....



Thanks for the reply...I used to mod for half life...way back in the day. So here's hoping the tutorials are helpful; not leaving me totally out in left field. Whatever I did when I played around with it more seemed to fix the issue, I also downloaded some ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated thing which...I think...helped.


Either way thanks for the reply.

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