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Stardew Valley

Character is stuck, cannot move


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Today I came back to SVE after a bit of a break. Everything work fine before I stopped. I updated all the mods included Stardew Valley Expanded and added three additional; Visible Fish, Carry Chest, Market Day. I started the game, kept an eye on the SMAPI log; didn't see anything that made me think there was a problem. Started a new game using the River Farm and on my second in-game day, my character got stuck and could not move in any direction. I let him pass out, closed out of the game and restarted. I looked at the SMAPI log again and found this, the only text in red:


SMAPI] Found 13 mods with warnings:

[sMAPI] Skipped mods

[sMAPI] --------------------------------------------------

[sMAPI] These mods could not be added to your game.


[sMAPI] - Random NPCs 0.5.0-beta.7 because it requires mods which aren't installed (SuperAardvark.AntiSocial).


I am not using a mod called Random NPC's and could not find it on Nexus. I searched online for SuperAardvark.AntiSocial and the mod Anti-Social NPCs came up. I am not using that mod. Anyone have a suggestion on how to correct this what is causing my character to get stuck?


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Fixed the red text issue. The problem was the Market Day mod which lists the Anti Social NPC mod as optional; I didn't install it originally. Once I installed that mod the red text went away.


I'm not sure if this will fix the stuck character as well.

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