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Issues with beds and sleep markers

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There were no mods loaded at all in the CK when I built my mod. The only dependencies are just the Fallout4.esm. Don't know if the problem actually shows up in game or not, to be honest. Haven't gotten that far yet lol.


Something that I didn't mention at the time of my original post, which is totally my f*** up and that may be relevant, is that even after completely pulling my mod and loading only the Fallout4.esm, and nothing else, the problem still persists. Every single bed, with the exception of the ground mattress, the sleeping bag, and the npc hospital bed all show sideways sleep markers in the render window, but are displayed correctly in the editor window. Change the positions in the edit window, click apply, and nothing changes in the render window. They are still facing 270 Degrees, or West - East if that's easier. Head of bed is at 0 (N-S), and head of sleep marker is at 270 (W-E).


As previously stated, I've never had this problem before now. Like ever. There's a long list of other issues I've had with the CK, but never this one so I'm seriously at a loss.


Edit: In normal playthrough, everything seems fine in game, the mod I'm working on excluded as it hasn't been enabled, so isn't part of normal game play yet. It's only in the CK that I'm experiencing this issue.



Update: Finally got it working right. The solution that, for the moment, seems to have worked was to employ a scorched earth policy on the CK and wipe any and all traces of it from my system, then do a clean install, and not install CK Fixes. Seems CK Fixes was the culprit, at least in my case.


So, should anyone else have this problem in the future, my suggestion is to completely wipe the CK and anything related to it, do a clean install, and DO NOT install CK Fixes. Just as well anyway as it's been bloating my mod files due to it constantly updating and appending the NavMesh on every save.

Ahhhh the ...CK "Fixes"..... I dont know...some people swear by that thing. Every time in installed those fixes my CK would become seriously unstable.....hell even looking at the screen too fast caused crashes :P I tried using it 4 times..and every time the same crap so i gave up on it... Sure it has some nice fixes and features but its not worth the headaches...

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