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Can't get custom mod to activate


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Hello all,

I'm new to modding but have object-oriented programming and scripting experience so I didn't think it would be all that difficult. So, being a long-time Fallout fan, I decided to give modding a try. I just put countless hours into a mod I've been working on and went to test it in game so that I could see how it looked so far, but the mod won't load. I've tried the launcher's "Data Files" method of loading the mod, I've tried using FOMM and even uninstalled and reinstalled everything to see if a hiccup in the installation process was the culprit. The game runs fine with all the DLCs loading normally, but it's as if game doesn't even bother to try and load the mod I've created. The mod is by no means anywhere near complete, but I have created an interior and linked it to a slightly modified wasteland area (NE Minefield) and was just wanting to go into the interior to look at the lighting, test doors, look for gaps, etc. I have yet to create a NavMesh, but didn't think that would matter unless there were NPCs present in the interior. Is that the problem or is there another step I am missing to be able to test basic function? Is there an issue with FOMM? Is there some settings that need adjusted or a patch/plugin I need to download? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as my own attempt at troubleshooting has proven, so far, to be fruitless. If I weren't a full-time student I would have plenty of time to troubleshoot, but I really hate to spend all of my free time troubleshooting rather than creating.


Thanks in advance,


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I have no idea why no one has jumped on here to assist you but I am willing to do just that. You want, you can PM me, and we can get together and sort it out.


If the geck saves the mod, is it there in the data directory? I ask because on one install I once did, I ran into Live. IT change source directories on me, games for windows live is installed with the game. and if the data is not turned off? the mods some times will not load at all.


Fomm, has a fake live dll installer when you open it up, it's supposed to replace the factory dl with a replacement that turns off GFWL at game run-time. Your description fit's that bug. It's frustrating as hell because Live will not allow non Bethesda data to load. One other small thing here, the second disc for GOTY edition installs yet another annoyance. secure rom, it too will prevent any mods from loading and some times the game it's self will not load. DRM


I made 3 such cool mods, went thru the systems and the same things you described here. when I found out where the GECK had stored my data, the place it stored it was not the place the game was loading from. The game was loading from a place not in the installed directory. the nexus has a GFWL disabler made by the very same author of fomm. the link is in my signature here.


if that still does not get what your after. PM me, I'll be more than happy to help out.



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I didn't expect a reply so soon. Thanks for the suggestions, though, I'm not certain if the second is applicable to my particular situation. I guess I could have mentioned that I'm running the Steam version of Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition. I am currently taking a short break from my studies, so I will see if I can apply the disabler before I deem it necessary to get back to my school work. Otherwise, further troubleshooting may have to wait until my next break. I'll let you know what happens.

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Good deal, school first as I am a mother. I know of the importance that makes, especially with today's life styles, you will need Education to back you up. But, I'm always around and have marked your inquiry in my nest here. I'll know.



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Well, I found the download, installed it and disabled GFWL. Loaded everything up through FOMM and still no luck. It's as if my mod doesn't even exist. If you have any other suggestions, further thoughts would be greatly appreciated. As for now, I really must get back to school work to ensure that I get my Economics reading, tests and discussions done by midnight tomorrow. But, I often take short breaks as I my ADD prevents me from sitting down and reading for hours on end. I'll check back in a couple/few hours.




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ok so while your away, I'll just post a few things that might show what up.


in windows, the task bar, right click it and select task manager, open up Fomm, now look into the task manager of windows, select the performance tab, bellow, select the resource monitor, minimize the task manager and keep the resource manager up.


in there: Select the CPU tab. now, run fallout 3, main menu, select a saved game. run it. when it is loaded, ALT tab out, in the resource manager, select fallout3.exe. in the processes windows. now at the bottom, expand and sort the tabs of the associated Modules and look at the Path statements. in there, it should show ever file the game has loaded up in ram. IF you do not see your mod? what's the path of the game? if the path is not where the mod is located? move your mod to that path directory.


what bugs me is, fomm is seeing the data but the game does not load it? it can only mean, the path is not the same, some where something is hosed up pretty good. some how.

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Well, the only Fallout files that appeared in the Associated Modules were in the Fallout 3 GOTY main folder, which is a bit strange considering that all of the DLCs are in the Data folder along with my mod, but the DLCs load up just fine. But I went ahead and tried placing the mod in the main folder to see if that would work, but no success. What about the FOMM itself? I know that the GECK and the FOSE are supposed to be installed into the main folder, should the FOMM be in the main folder as well? The installer places it in its own GeMM folder, should I move it? The GeMM folder is in the main folder, I thought that might be sufficient, I guess I can try that tomorrow (tonight), but I am on a night time schedule and getting ready to go to bed for now. If you have any further theories, I can check back in when I get up later.




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GeMM folder: that's the problem. and I know why now your stuff is not loading, nor will it ever.....using that. Uninstall Fomm.


Reinstall only this time..stop in the middle of the install and rename (GeMM ) To Fomm C:|Fomm, OR C:\Games\Bethesdasoftworks\fallout 3\Fomm.


that folder needs to have the Fomm words, Not (GeMM folder) you files are not in the data directory and fomm will never sort them right, boss will not find then either. It may appear to you it is working, it's not.


once you do this and go to run Fomm, Now, fomm will come up with a window asking for your instructions as to where you want Mods and game install info placed. mods is where the Fomod's will be stored, instal info is it's pathing directions.


GeMM folder is not a game path and no one knows why that was done, I do know it's wrong.the older fomm versions never used that format.


simple dialog leads to new information and we find the lose ends.

  • c:\games\fallout3 <--- this folders name can be anything you chose as long as all ddata for the game ends up in it.

I will show an example of my testing station.

  1. E:\Games\Fallout 3\Install Info
  2. E:\Games\Fallout 3\mods
  3. E:\Games\Fallout 3\mods\cache

That covers Fomm 0.13.21 version with the updated template. I told fomm's installer to choose that path.

  1. E:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3 <---- Root of My fallout 3 game test folder
  2. E:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data <--- location of all data the game uses.
  3. E:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Fomm <---- Location of Fomms main running files.

as you can see, data runtime files are in one location while it's stored data and installed information for mods are located out side of the game directory. Why I do this is because fallout will in fact try to load any files in it's path, 1 kb sises files listed in the catch leaves a ton of missing data at run time and no game runs. a fluke of a bug that showed up.


we tested this over and over again . that's for another day but you can use this for a guide .

(The GeMM folder) is no good.



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Well, we'll see what happens after I re-install Fallout 3... I went to re-install FOMM as you had indicated when I woke up, but maybe I should have waited for the caffeine to kick in. I accidentally installed it directly into the main Fallout folder and tested it and it didn't work. After realizing my mistake, I uninstalled and subsequently, FOMM deleted my entire Data folder. *sigh* Now for the long wait as Steam has a fairly low download cap.

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Luckily, I have been moving my .esp file around so much, I thought it would be a good idea to back it up. Unfortunately, I do not have backups of the majority of my custom textures.

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