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I'm not sure if it was caused by the latest KF update, new Nvidia drivers, or another factor, but some people are now experiencing abnormally bright glowing pixels when they use antialiasing in the Killing Floor.


This can be resolved easily for Nvidia owners. Use the compatibility flag 0x20410041 in Nvidia Inspector, and driver antialiasing will be free of glowy pixel artifacts. This works for MSAA and SGSSAA, that I've tested.


I discovered this somewhat by accident. After noticing the antialiasing bug/corruption, it reminded me of a similar bug I encountered using MGE AA in Morrowind. Since Oblivion and Morrowind use fundamentally the same engine, I decided to test the Oblivion AA compatibility flag in the Killing Floor (even though it uses a different engine), and it worked.


So, yeah. On the off-chance there are any Nvidia owners experiencing this AA bug in the Killing Floor, I decided to post this.


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