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Modding > playing?


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Play ? People actually play the game ? I didn't know you could do that.... :wink:

There are rumors, you know...


I mod WAY more than i play. Matter of fact, that IS my play. Oh i started out as: Oblivion, beautiful, but lacked morrowinds story line. Lacked the wonder of strongholds. After all what is a pittly little house compared to THOSE. So i would make my own. Well, then it was like the textures arent good enough. New textures. I change this, add that. It exploded and i had more fun modding than playing. Since i reinstalled oblivion on my new computer (which has been a little while) and i didnt keep my old chars. I do not have a single character over the level of 2. and those guys are strictly play testers. Matter of fact i have 3 saved games files.


I mod my nights away, alienating my wife and leaving my daughter to wonder where her father is....

blink.gif Stop modding! RIGHT. NOW!


But I get your point. There's always something to fix in Tamriel

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Well, I for one tip my hat to all of the modders out there that make Oblivion one of the best games ever. I for one have no skill in Modding etc, but the modders on here make my gaming much more enjoyable!!!


Thank you very much!

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i "had" i 2 weeks of break from modding...becouse i had no time, and with no time i haven't even played a bit. Now fortunatly i have 1 whole week of holidays so...it's up to resume with all the modding and the little gaming i do :). Moding is acctualy more fun for me.
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Mod mod mod, I like to play, but ! I just got Morrowind recently so when I do have time to play, it's been mainly in Mournhold at the moment.


I usually play until I realize I want to get a mod that I know already exists, read a few forums, think of something to make... realize someone's waiting on something I'm modding for oblivion, so work on that... and start missing playing, so around and around it all goes...



I can definitely say I spend more time getting my game ready for play, then I actually spend playing.

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I have to admit that I play Oblivion more than I mod it.

Actually never got into modding Oblivion.


Did alot of stuff with the CS back in Morrowind, but can't get myself to start something in Oblivion. I just play with FCOM and +50 other mods.


Medieval II on the other hand... is a completely different story. The last time I've been really playing a campaign was probably half a year ago. I've been modding it the whole time, but I haven't played it. And those damn mods just never finish... at least not in Medieval ;)

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