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[Fallout Universe] Badly needed update


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I'm not sure how many like me there are, but unfortunately because of my computer i cant get NMM or FOMOD. and the Fallout Universe mod requires one of the two.


If someone could kindly make this mod in the form of manual installation so i can actually use it that would be amazing:


Fallout universe on nexus: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/39714/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D39714%26preview%3D&pUp=1


this looks like possibly one of the coolest mods ive seen out yet. please if you know in the back of your mind you could make this avaliable for manual installation your help is needed.


Thanks community.

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  • 1 month later...

Worked like a charm!

Thankyou flamenx


Just a question, it has folders for the data that i dont recognise such as "textures - 2"


Do i just choose one of the textures folders over the others or integrate them or something?

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I'm unable to make all the fallout 3 DLC bsa's into a single BSA file as the installation instructions say i need to...

I can provide the files if someone thinks im trying to get the DLC content for free if someone could pack all the files into a single BSA so i can use the full features of this mod.


If there is a way to do this with FNVEDIT please tell me. I've managed to get that working but dont know the first thing to using it.


I heard i can rename each BSA fallout universe - main.bsa for each DLC?

What i dont understand is what is the exact filename to set for each because they all cant share the same filename, and this is meant to be an alternative to creating a single bsa.

Edited by uberlux
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