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Wasteland Survival Guide Bug


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Ok, so I'm up to the point where I have to test the repellent on the mole-rats only when I whack them with the stick, nothing happens... well, they die, but they don't seem to count. I've killed about 15 with the damn thing, even resurrecting them and whacking them again and nothing has changed. My character is level 20 and I've done the first three parts of the guide including the optional objectives - can anyone help me finish this part? Thanks.
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these are console commands


The Console is a debugging tool left by the developers in the PC version of the game


It is useful for developing and quality assurance, but it can also be used to cheat fixs bugs ect


To access the console use the tilde key (~) while in-game (Unpaused) your HUD will disappear and you will get


a prompt ( | ) in the lower left corner of the screen where you can type in code(s).


aka player.additem 00001234 ect


completequest base id = complete quest


esetquest base id = reset quest


sqt = list current quest targets


The Wasteland Survival Guide base id = 00014E96


if its messed up you may have to restart the whole quest again

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Thanks for replying but I already found those commands and I have used them in the console - here's my problem:


1) completequest finishes the objective and the quest but I don't get the benefits from doing the quest (I know you can add the items and perks but it does have some impact when you finish this quest i.e. a random encounter).


2) resetquest remove the quest from the pip-boy and I guess it resets everything except that Moira doesn't react to me presence anymore except with the basic responses.


3) sqt - I haven't used this one because the problem isn't finding the objectives, I know where the molerats are - my problem is that when I hit them with the repellent stick, they die and that's it - no journal updates. I can lie but I want to do the whole thing the right way.


I would restart the quest except that I started it at the beginning of the game and I am now about 40 hours in. I don't remember which save I started the quest in, and even if I did, the thought of restarting... not a good one. I thought about somehow moving the quest along to show completed objectives but no one seems to have figure it out. Does anyone know how to do that?

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go find some more mole rats in other places then.


or have you tryed spawning them as well ?


player.placeleveledactoratme 0001CF9F


i just spawn over 100 of them that was maddness lolololol

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I just tried spawning them - about 20 - I killed them the way I should but nothing changed the count. I had a similiar problem with this quest the first time I played it - I couldn't finish the library thing but then I had played the quest straight through and didn't have a 40 hour time difference. Any other suggestions?
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hmmmm do u have a auto save before you enter or if you wait they respawn on there own over time.....


something is messed up i would just start the quest again and wait untill everthing has respawned aka go off and do other quests....

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