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How to add armor modifications to armor pieces in a container?


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I'm trying to place a set of power armor I created in the CK but I don't want it to be the default power armor. I want it to contain mods like what model the armor is or ballistic weave that kind of stuff. How would I go about doing so? Thank you to any insight.

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The main function you want is AttachModToInventoryItem(). But there will be more work to be done in order to get there such as creating an array of the ObjectMod[] (the mods), deciding how and when the base armor to be modded will spawn etc., because you'll need to attach the script in some way to it.

You could make it a ReferenceAlias that will "fill" when the quest starts and then have the script run OnInit(). I would advice not to make the ObjectMods properties since it will make them persist in the save file even after the script has run, so consider making them regular literal variables inside the script or put them in a formlist.

But all in all it will be pretty straightforward.

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