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An Odd Wespon Request and Challenge


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I was wondering if any talented Modder's out there could come up with a wrist mounted smg, like use a model from a power glove or something along the line of this in image http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1229307180.jpg and fires like the ABC Warrior in the film Judge Dredd a 3 barrel smg.


I know its not realistic or Lore specific with the game but just a request :)


Thanks guys :thumbsup:



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You mean like instead of the flat part, a barrel type thing? I think that would be better as a slow firing weapon, with the part going back for recoil but... its probably irrelvent because I hear there aren't really any tools available to make new animations, and there isn't really an existing one.. but I could always be wrong sooo...
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Like... firing from the knuckles? Hey, I don't think that's lore breaking.


Ok, this could be done with the one hand pistol animation and a bit of trickery. But you would only fire from one canon.

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Not like that Eleglas more like what Neckros is saying firing from the nuckles, smallish and compact with the barrel on the back of the hand or on the upper side of the wrist, more or less like the image i posted above. Realism is out the window of course lol so the reload animation im not to worried about. say with the fire rate of the 10mm smg. It's un ethical for the game design I know but I just wanted it for coolness factor lol
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ow Reven thats awsum you caught my thoughts exactly. I dont know anything about modding so I don't know whats possible n whats not. but would there be a way to have it fire bullets even if its 5mm I cant get this idea out of my head of the ABC robots knuckle smg lol.


Not sure where my idea or wanting for a such a weapon on a normal human came from though lol


Awsum model Rev

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