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The Maps of Oblivon


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So, I am going to start working on an interactive map of cyrodiil and all it's locations and quests and various tid bits of info about each place. I know it's been done but I haven't had a good Flash project to work on in a bit and I feel really inspired to do this.


Now, my problem is, I need to find naked maps of cyrodiil, it's cities, and dungeons and buildings if possible. When I say naked, I mean devoid of icons and crap. Is there a way to extract these images in jpg or png or whatever format from oblivion itself, or is there a depository of these anywhere around?


I did search but "source maps" and other variations of are rather ambiguous search words and I couldn't think of better search terms for what I'm looking for. Also they yielded no pertinent results.

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Could always take LOD textures, either high detail downloads, or the vanilla ones, and use those as a basis. Figuring out where water is can still be a bit tricky unless you feel like generating your own LOD textures for each map with water enabled.
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OK so I've figured out how to extract and convert the dds map files into the format I want to use (GIF), but the problem is, I've only managed to find the main map of Cyrodiil and the icons used on the map. Now I need to find the city maps and dungeon maps, any ideas where I would find them? BTW I'm referring to where I could find them in the Oblivion.bsa, since that's where I found the icons and the map of Cyrodiil.
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