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Illuminated Spells work in 3rd Person but not 1st


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It wasn't working even in 3rd person until I put the ESP below Luminosity Lighting Overhaul. But this issue persists regardless.

I am using Lux, Lux Via and Luminosity. And only the Illuminated Spells plugin from Realistic Lighting Overhaul.

I have Improved Camera installed, (version AE-Preview3) which I assume is the culprit...

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You can easily test, if it's really Improved Camera. Disable / uninstall it and see, if it makes a difference. Maybe also load order helps here. Put the spell light module after everything else (including Improved Camera).


Maybe you can also try other mods for illuminated spells. There are many of them out there, among them this one, which seems to work very well:



On a side note: TBH, I'm not so sure about the combo of Lux and Luminosity. Although the description of "Luminosity" claims, that it was compatible with a lot of other mods, it's still a lighting mod - and so is Lux. Usually, you shouldn't use two lighting mods together. It's rather "choose one or the other".

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tried the mod you mentioned, like it, keeping it. Removed Luminosity from build, essentially had kept it to brighten the interior areas for Lux made them too dark but then realized I could install it's brighter presets and/or use Cathedral's MCM to brighten the interiors. BUT, I do miss Illuminated Spells' feature or mechanic that cast shadows of the fingers alongside the lights of spells, it was quite immersive, and honestly cool.

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