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Weird Horse savegame issue since mod change


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I have a merge mod that I rebuilt to get rid of a mod that I had merged and didn't want because it added an "estate" home that was WAY too big and ruined immersion IMO (filling the entire valley around where the Jester is located). All the original mod did was add locations, (some people in those locations), trees, and other objects to the Skyrim world. Since rebuilding the mod, I have been able to get things to work correctly but every time I load a save game where I was mounted when I saved, the horse just moves sideways, out of control, and all over the place. It is REALLY weird. Sometimes it stops when something is in the way but if I click a direction to move, it starts right up again. New games saved do the same thing. Even loading a different game where I am not mounted after loading the mounted save game, the physics is entirely not working. I have to restart Skyrim. As long as I am not mounted when I save, everything works fine. Mounting a horse works fine. Only loading a save game where I am mounted causes the issue.


Any ideas?

Edited by primem0ver
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The part about the "merged mod" sounds a bit weird. In general, merges are always potentially dangerous. All sort of things can happen. Besides that, merges are hard or even impossible to update in case one of the merged mods gets an important update. Nowadays, you shouldn't need merges at all. A lot of plugins can be turned into "light" plugins (.esp plugins flagged as esl or "genuine" .esl files), that don't count towards your plugin limit. I'm currently at about 600 plugins - no merges needed at all. So - my advice is not to merge anything at all.


That being said, saving while on a horse was always problematic, both in "Oldrim" and in SE/AE. Even in a Vanilla game, bad things can happen: Camera perspective stuck, unable to move... A basic rule was always "never save on horseback".... Your case sounds a little different. Maybe there's also some influence from mods. I wouldn't bother too much with it though. Simply dismount before saving.

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The part about the "merged mod" sounds a bit weird. In general, merges are always potentially dangerous. All sort of things can happen. Besides that, merges are hard or even impossible to update in case one of the merged mods gets an important update. Nowadays, you shouldn't need merges at all. A lot of plugins can be turned into "light" plugins (.esp plugins flagged as esl or "genuine" .esl files), that don't count towards your plugin limit. I'm currently at about 600 plugins - no merges needed at all. So - my advice is not to merge anything at all.


That being said, saving while on a horse was always problematic, both in "Oldrim" and in SE/AE. Even in a Vanilla game, bad things can happen: Camera perspective stuck, unable to move... A basic rule was always "never save on horseback".... Your case sounds a little different. Maybe there's also some influence from mods. I wouldn't bother too much with it though. Simply dismount before saving.

As someone who has merged mods for years, I know what the limitations are. And please don't tell me "you shouldn't need merges at all" because some people (like me) do. I have am playing with over 1700 mods and I could not use all my modded locations without merging them because location mods (that add cells) cannot be turned into esls/espfe. I generally try and avoid re-merging during a game/playthrough but this time it was unavoidable. I have never had any problem before saving on horseback and I have never had this kind of issue after re-merging a mod. I realize that it is the direct cause in this case but thought I would ask just in case anyone knew the cause and how to fix it. I did find after searching as you suggest that people have had the same issue as me even without re-merging a mod so I guess I will have to live with it for this playthrough.

Edited by primem0ver
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