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Shivering isles help


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My brother was so happy to get shivering isles for his birthday yesterday. So, this morning i got on and tried downloading it, so he wouldn't have to. It said it might have downloaded wrong, no idea why. Shivering isles says to wait 24 hours on your oblivion character for a quest, and i did, over and over again but no quest appeared. Is this because I already have mods on oblivion, so it coudnt install somehow? or just my computer being mean? I keep trying to download it over and over again. If anyone knows, it would be a huge help.
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If you do not get the message or missed it go to anvil and swim out to the new large island, when you reach it approach the portal and the quest will begin.


I am moving this to Oblivion.

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If you do not get the message or missed it go to anvil and swim out to the new large island, when you reach it approach the portal and the quest will begin.


I am moving this to Oblivion.




We swam out, and there is no large islands. :confused:

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