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Importing actor face to a game - legal ?


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Used search function, but nothing similiar turned up. If something like this alrdy existed I appologize.


I found the save game for Oblivion from the guy who turned a famous actress into an oblivion face

and I also took a look at his tutorial link.


Now I'm deep into work when a thought suddenly popped up:

Is it even legal to upload a face based off a reallive actor ? Couldn't there be some kind of legal trouble ?

I mean, I don't really drag his name or face into dirt nor would I sell it.

And of course if I just use it for myself no trouble would occur, but if it should turn out nice... well maybe

I would feel the urge to upload it as a savegame.


So any suggestions how I should proceed ?


Thanks. greetz Night

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If it is created by you as an image of someone, you are free to do with it what you want.


That being said, if it is inappropriate to the site it should not be uploaded here.


To define inappropriate in this instance something you would not hand out the the congregation in church.


A comparison photo to show how close you got to the desired goal [your model] is allowable as long as it is in good taste.

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Thanks for the advice.


If I got that right, uploading a save game & screenshots of a characters face

based on a real live actor is acceptable as long as the result aims for art and

realismn instead of vandalism.


If that's the case, I will do so if I get satisfying results.

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