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Shivering Isles npc summon spell


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My computer crashed and I had to reinstall Windows. I did have a back up saved of my Oblivion game but for some reason the Shivering Ilse part of the reinstallment didn't take all the way because I'm missing the spells where you can summon the Shivering Isle npcs...Dark Seducer, Golden Saint and that big dude with all the scars.

I can't figure out how to get them back. I'm pretty sure you had to do a mission to get them but the mission is already done according to my game. I'm just missing the spells.

How would I get these spells back? I used them all the time. Is there a mod I could download or is there something I can do to my game to make the spells come back, like a cheat or something? Please help. :(

Thank you!

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