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RaslalGhul - BANNED

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RaslalGhul banned

Attacking Nexus staff and comparing them with Nazis
Repeatedly starting the same topic after the previous posts had been removed

Excerpt from the walls of text

"... "publicly discussing moderation policy is not allowed as per our Terms of Service, which also provides you the contact email you can send your feedback to. As such, I will now lock this thread. "

Thats something the Nazis would do, either you agree with us or we throw you into camps - Which seems rather unsetteling from an Group that want to appear "just". ..."

"... Adding to that the new Rule since july iirc, to not be able to deleted your mod that you yourself created and the obvious hypocrites banning a mod that doesnt even change the Flag but just the Localization.

(Nothing new was added it just ran the version for the South East where Pride Flags are not socially aceppted.) ..."

"... It wouldnt be all this Bad if the Sites allowed Discussion and Critism for that Part, but thats clearly not the Case. And once you voice your opinions your Posts will be deleted/ Books be burned - Again what Nazis would do. ..."

"... While i dont support writing bots to spam the Site with false DMCA claims or Ddosing it it would be sight to behold. ..."

As mentioned, previous posts were hidden, the user did not take the hint. Hence, they preferred the hard way

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