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Could someone fix this Animation Bug with the Radium Rifle?


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In the ADS Automatic Fire animation, the barrel casing (the outer part of the barrel with the charging handle on it) doesn't recoil backwards.


It does recoil backwards in the Automatic Hip-Fire animation, as well as both Non-Automatic Fire Animations.


I assume the file responsible is this: ...Meshes\Actors\DLC03\Character\_1stPerson\Animations\GammaRifle\WPNFireAutoSighted.hkx


I tried to figure it out but converting .hkx files to .xml is about as far as I got, I can't seem to get any of the other software required for editing .hkx files to work properly.


This has been bugging me :D ever since Far Harbor came out. If someone who knows their way around Animations could fix this, it would be greatly appreciated.



Edited by TheMalevolentTrout
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